Yu Ishigami x Reader ~I dont know~

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I dont know
I dont know
I dont know

Those words kept replaying in your head over and over to the point where you didnt know anything anymore. You looked at your homework spread across the student councils table as you bounced your leg up and down. 

" Y/n are you alright" 

" Oh im fine kaguya san, oh did you need the table" 

That was a lie you didnt know if you were fine. 

" No but ishigami will here soon presidents gonna be at his desk so ishigami cant hide under there and do his work" 

ISHIGAMI?!?! His name raced in your head over and over as a slight pink dusted your cheeks. Why did everything trigger your anxiety and your thoughts. You gather up your homework from the table and shove it into your bag.

Then he walks in. 

" h-hey ishigami" you say sheepishly 

he slips off one side of his headphones and waves giving a small smile. You then felt arms wrap around your neck hugging you close. 

" Ohhhhh y/n" It was chika, you knew what she was doing 

She knew you like ishigami way before you even knew yourself. He sat next to you on the couch and took out his stuff that shirogane had assigned him with. Taking a couple deep breathes you contained yourself once more. As hours past you all finished your work and one by one everyone started heading out until it was only you and him. 

He then stood up and grabbed his bag

" uh wait" 

" Hm" he turned to you confused

You stood up as well grabbing your bag too. 

"Lets head out together" you gave a small smile

A smile tugged at his lips too returning your gesture. you both walked out together staring out nto the night sky in silence. 

" Ishigami?" 

"Yea y/n" 

You longed for somethign different, something spontaneous, somethng with him. 

"Why dont we go have some fun" You say jumping in front of him blocking his path

"Uh what" 

"Yea lets go come on" 

You quickly grab his hand and started running helplessly dragging him" 

" Hey wait y/n where are we going" 

" I dont know!" you yell back at him continuing to run.

He kept trying to pull away afraid of getting lost. You had no idea where you were running too you had even forgot you were holding his hand. You kept racing into the night helplessly making right turns and left turns not knwoing where you were going. 

You both soon reach a grassy hill with trees surrounding the area with a great view of the sky and the city. You let go of his hand and spin in a circle with your arms out wide as ishigami stood there trying to catch his breath. 

"Y/n where are we?"

"I dont know" you laugh

Both you and him collapse the the grass and sit next to each other looking at the stars. 

"Oh y/n your hair"

He leans towards you and fixes a strand of your hair that had been in your face and all over the place. Pink dusted your cheeks as you laughed and purposely shaking your head once more making your hair a mess.

Thats one thing ishigami loved about you. You didnt try to be perfect because you knew you didnt have to......unlike him

He laughed

"Wow look at the stars, arent they just so pretty" you say tucking your feet into your chest hugging them tight

"Yea.....they really are" he continued to fix his gaze to you 

Turning to him you responded

" Why are you looking at me like that" you said smiling, oblivious to the fact he was in love with you

"You just...... nevermind" 

His mood changed instantly from a happy smile to a sad glum frown, looking back up at the stars. You pouted and pulled his face to face yours. 

"Ishigami dont lie to me" he looked terrified

"I-its just that, well" 

You nodded signaling for him to go on

"Its just that your so amazing, you dont try to be perfect you dont try to be the best you are just you" 

His remark made you flustered you turned away afraid hed see you although he probably still did see your red face. 

Afraid he said something wrong he stood up. there was no point in confessing his feelings if you didnt feel the same. In a quick attempt to make him stay you shot out of the grass grabbing his wrist and pulling him down. 

His lips met yours. 

You pulled away fast realizing what you had done. Did you make him uncomfortable. But before you could pull away he just pulled you right back. Both sinking into the kiss. 

You both puled away for a breath of air looking at each other with a small smile. 

"Ill race you home" you said breaking the awkward silence 

"Do you even know where we are or how to get home"

"Nope not at all" you said smiling running off again in some random direction

Ishigami ran back after you begging for you to stop running so you could both catch your breath. Alas you didnt. After hours you finally reached your house. 

"Thank you for tonight yuu" 

He felt something inside him turn, why though all you said his name.

"Uh yea your welcome" 

You looked up at him, taking a step forward and whispering

"Can you...lean down for me" 

He nodded and leaned down just enough for you to reach on your tip toes to kiss him once more. 


"Bye yuu" 

You went inside and was instantly greeted by your maid. She kept going on and on about how late you were and how worried she was. Yet you blocked her out you were just so captivated by the way he captured your heart. 

You had gotten dressed and into bed already but couldnt sleep. You soon check your phone to see a text from ishigami. Although it was a simple goodnight text that was all you needed to fall asleep. 


The next morning both fujiwara and kaguya knew what had happened, leaving shirogane confused as hell as to why you kept smiling and giggling at each other. 

It wasnt long before ishigami stepped into the council room. You waved slightly at him with a smile. the same gesture was given. Fujiwara nudged your elbow beside you and you got up walking over to him. 

Standing in front of him you got on your tip toes and leaned closer to him whispering something to him. 

"thank you" 

You pulled back slightly giving him a kiss on the cheek leaving him a red mess and walking off out of the council room. Kaguya smiled, Fujiwara fangirled, and Shirogane finally understood. Ishigami placed his fingers on his cheek reminiscing the kiss you just gave him. 

Kaguya then got up to follow you out. Passing ishigami her smile faded as she coldly spoke to him.

" Dont break her" 

Ishigami was terrified and walked frozen liek a penguin under the presidents desk to silently work. 

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