Ishigami x Reader ~Im tired~

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AHHHHH just pretend iino is you. Its literally so cute omg 

Sitting in class wasnt fun you only had about 2 more minutes until you could see ishigami. Although you were in the same year you were in two different classes for how much of a big deal he is your surprised you didnt know him sooner. 

Yet when you met him you instantly fell for him, why? You didnt know just everything about him was great and you loved him so much. And now you were dating, it has been a while and your now really comfortable with each other.

You had gotten no sleep last night working on something that Shirogane needed you to get done since Fujiwara and Kaguya couldnt work on it, meaning you had to do it.

Recently you hadnt been getting a lot of sleep and werent eating much it was just so hard to focus. Soon you heard the bell ring and you headed to the student council office. 

Once you were there you already saw everyone there, with tired eyes you smiled and waved at everyone. Fujiwara was playing a game with the president, Kaguya was reading a book on the couch, and on the other couch was ishigami playing his game with his feet propped up on the table. 

You set you bag down and sit next to ishigami. 

"Hey y/n"

"Hi ishigami."

You started to play and fidget with things around you. Ishigami keep shooting small glances at you. Soon he pauses his game and turns to you concerned. 

"Hey is something wrong" he says placing his hand on yours

"N-no everything is fine dont worry" 

He hesitantly goes back to his game. Once everyone i done with everything you noticed it started getting late.

"Ok im gonna go home now im sure Kei is already home" Shirogane says picking up his stuff

"Awwww but who am I gonna play my game with" Fujiwara complains

"Dont be sad fujiwara he has things to do, in fact so do I so ill be heading out too"

Kaguya takes her things and follows after the President. Leaving you, Ishigami and Fujiwara in the room. Then Fujiwara sits by you.

"Why is everyone so boring ughhhhh"

You just shrug and give an awkward smile, you just wanted to go home but also didnt want to be rude.

"Y/nnnn can you play my game with me" 

You gave a nervous chuckle again playing with the hem of your uniform, when you felt an arm wrap around your shoulder.

"Sorry fujiwara but were going home"

Ishigami packs his things and you hesitantly follow. Did he know? 
Walking out of the room his hand made it way down your arm finding your hand and intertwining fingers.

"Wanna tell me about today"

You turned to him confused

"What do you mean"

"Well when your anxious or have been having a bad day your really fidgety and I just figured something was wrong"

This put a smile on your face, a genuine one. Not fake, no forced, but genuine. 

"No I dont really wanna talk about it but Im a little better now"

You both reach the main entrance of the school. Still hand in hand you both leave, although he wasnt taking you home.

"Um Ishigami my house is that way" you say pointing in the direction of your home

"Yea I know I was thinking you could spend the night"

You smile and nod and continue to walk with him. You reached his house and he immediately directed you to his room. He left you there for a couple minutes to get something which he claimed would make you feel better.  

His room was kind of dark with only the light of his video games illuminating to room. It was quite cleaner from the last time you were here and the floor was visible. Soon Ishigami came back into the room with an armful of things.

There was a blanket a pot looking thing bottles of water a mix of some kind and some snacks.

He puts all the snacks down on the bed next to where you were sitting and went to a table in his room. Looking at the snacks you realized they were all your favorites. Ishigami set up the pot thing and plugged it in pouring water into it and pressing a button.

"Ishigami whats that" 

"Hm, Oh im making us hot chocolate"

Your heart melted. He then went to his closet and pulled out various blankets and different pillows and stuffed animals and threw them on the bed too. Then he grabbed something else and threw it at you.

"Here I thought you might want it since you didnt have a good day"

It was one of his shirts, you nodded and headed to the bathroom to change. Once you put it on you looked at yourself in the mirror.

Although it was a short sleeve the sleeves went almost to your elbows and it was quite big and baggy on you too, but this wasnt a problem. Smiling you go out of the bathroom and back to his room.

Walking back in you see two cups of hot cocoa on the bedside table and the snacks, blankets, and pillows all set up. Your heart felt so warm and you felt so happy you could start crying.

"Oh your back" 

"Yea I am"

He smiles and grabs his laptop. Climbing into the blankets he motions for you to come over. You sit on the bed slowly laying down. You rest your head on his chest and grab the blanket on him to pull yourself closer.

The blankets were wrapped tightly around you two but not tight enough to suffocate you or make you feel uncomfortable. He opened his laptop and placed it on top of the blankets.

"What do you wanna watch"

"Ummmm what about that movie"

You say pointing to y/f/m. He nods and clicks on it playing it. As the movie is playing he wraps one arm around you and places his head on yours. Soon you felt your eyes getting heavy and you slowly drift off to sleep in Ishigami's arms burying your head into his chest.

You coudlnt wish for anything more after a hard day. It was without say, you were quite tired. 

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