Maybe in a few years......... seamoon✨

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Ooh nice seamoon
Req by H63428

Sea fairy and moonlight were a great couple
They would do everything together
But one day moonlight got tired and said to sea fairy "Alright, babe I'm really tired so I'm going to the moon to sleep "
Sea fairy said "Oh that's fine bb!cya later "
Moonlight said "cya"
While Moonlight was flying to the moon a cookie approached her
Moonlight said "Who are you? What's your name ? Why did you come?"
The cookie said "chill,chill i ain't a murderer "
Moonlight Said "Alr,fine but what's your name?"
The cookie said "Fire spirit"
Moonlight said "fine now why are you here ?"
Fire Spirit said "I had to inform you about sea fairy
Is she still your wife?"
Moonlight said "Yeah why?"
Fire spirit said "She is cheating on you!
One day she told me that she had a crush on me and hates you and wishes the moon could fall so you could fall"
Moonlight said in shock "REALLY????oh so she's gonna be in so much trouble when I'm done"
Moonlight slept for 5 hours
Moonlight yawned "eh what's the time"
Moonlight said with a shock on her face "SIX???
I passed my time "
While Moonlight was flying down
She saw sf
Sf said "Hi babe how was the sleep"
Ml said "Don't you dare open your mouth"
Sf stuttered "B-b-but w-w-why?
Ml said "You have a crush on fire spirit you hate me"
Sf said "how can you trust him,he always lies
Plus y'all just met "
Ml said "IDC ,he is right,I'm divorcing you"
Sf cried when ml left her

Bonus hehehe

Sorbet : Mommy why are you crying
Sf : ml left me
*Sorbet and mango prepares a whole canon so it can hit her when she walks :^)*

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