millenal tree x dark enchantress cookie🍦

180 1 4

Requested by XxNightmare_UwUxX

Also she requested pregnant dark enchantress so don't ask me


Dark enchantress cookie - She/her
Millenal tree cookie - He/him

Dark enchantress cookie was feeling stressed after taking care of the dark team "I shouldn't have helped them,they should learn to do thinks for them self"
Dark enchantress cookie came back home seeing Millen tree on the couch
She was feeling extremely painful
She layed down on the matress
Millenal tree said "What's wrong babe? Is everything ok?"
Enchantress replied with "I feel stressed and feel like a stomach ache "
Millenal tree said "Oh your pregnant"
Enchantress said "WHAT!!"
She started crying she sat on the couch
Millenal tree said "Oh,don't cry this is normal process"
"Everything will be okay"
Enchantress said "Th-Thanks babe"
She felt better after thoes words!
Enchantress said "Be,right back, I'm gonna take care of the dark team "
While enchantress was going millenal tree stopped her
Enchantress said "Wh-"
Millenal tree said "No,you need to rest you need to have enough rest ,or else other side effects could happen"
Enchantress said "Fine,but who's gonna take care of them ? "
Millenal tree said "The person in our backyard (pomegrante cookie)
Enchantress said "Alright,imma go to her"
She went and screamed "POMEGRANATE COOKIE!!!!!!"
Pomegranate cookie replied with "Oh, anything you need my master?"
Enchantress said "Could you take care of the dark team"
Pomegranate cookie said "I will do it just for you"
Enchantress cookie said "Thank you for your kind words,also I'm pregnant"
Pomegranate cookie mind *I should manipulate that child once it's older*
Pomegranate cookie said "Wow,that's really good"
Enchantress cookie said "oh and also i forgot to mention that you have to make strict laws to make them follow "
Pomegranate cookie said "Anything for you, my master "
Enchantress went back to her house
Millenal tree said "So did she agree to do that?"
Enchantress cookie said "Yes!,I'm so happy I don't need to take care of thoes idiots anymore, pomegranate cookie is the best cookie in the dark team,she does everything and anything,but i feel something kinda fishy about her,she stayed blank for a while when i said I'm pregnant,I'm scared if she'll do anything bad to my child,but whatsoever
I don't think she's good forever,I hope i find out what happened to her"
Millenal tree said "Darling,stop overthinking, she'll do nothing wrong to you "
"Besides I'm here for you no matter what happens "
Enchantress said "Thanks babe!"
She blushed When he said that

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