espresso x licorice 🍦 pt 1

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@XxNightmare_UwUxX requested this

If she requests fluff again I'm out
Also this is irrelevant but i forgot to mention I'll not being doing yandere

Espresso and his friends were doing dares
It was finally his turn
Latte said " Alright , Espresso Truth or Dare "
Espresso said " Hmm.. , I will have to go with dare "
Latte said " Alright , I dare you to go to the forest and live for 2 days "
Espresso said " Fine "

Espresso went to the forest and said
" it's so dark in here "
But then he heard someone laughing
" Hahahaha , our plan went good ! "
Espresso decided to go their
It was licorice practicing
Espresso said " Ugh , what are you doing here smh "
Licorice said " Ah Ah oh - I was just practing for the dark team "
Espresso said " They are worthless , they will only use you
Come follow me "
Licorice followed espresso to his friends
Licorice ! These are my friends
" Hi my name is latte "
" my name's Madeleine
" And im eclair ! "
Licorice said " Woah "

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