The Great Gnasty 1 & 2

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The war had already begun the moment Norman found out Ria wants in her cell, "capture them," he orders his robots using his usual brain to brain connection, "yes sir" they replied. The first group consisted of Easton, boss and there of Norman friends, totalling five. The boss running to the check points along with E and the three Norman friends says, "E I'm having a bad feeling about this,"

"No need for that," E said going round the bend, "we have our rifles, and its well planned,"

"We tried this three times,"

"And this is the fourth, yes," One of Norman friends says,

"Where are we going anywhere?" Another of Norman's friends says, "I forgot what you said last night,"

"We are going to the land of robot," E stopped the race and turned, "we are going to make the final step to getting,"

"Which is?" The boss asked,

"Taking away Normans power and everyone's fear,"

Another of Normand's friends leaning on the wall and breathing heavy asked, "can you please stop the suspense and get things over with,"

"We are going to stop the electromagnetic lessers from attacking us just incase we get into a one on one,"

"Are you saying there's a way to stop the electromagnetic lessers from shocking us if we get into a fight,"

"Yeah, and each time we waste here debating is time spent so let's get things done, quick,"

"How come I didn't know about this," the boss asked angrily

"I didn't want Ray to happen twice,"

"Oh - you don't trust me,"

"I don't trust many people, don't take it personal,"

"Awe," the boss sighed, "are you serious?"

E walked a few steps closer and fixed his eyes with boss's, "don't take it serious," he said,"now comd let's go before we are left behind,"

"Alright then,"


Ria tried forcing herself to lead the second group but the strong man Rob didn't allow her filty legs to cross past him. Mrs. Peters her son said only a word since the left the store. While the only Norman investor friend that was appointed to go with Rob's team had a heart sickness so he most times slowed them down, "keep up man, no one is an angle and won't pick up your pie," Rob said flicking the hammer of his rifle plugged in beside it [gun]

"Can you be cool on him for once," Ria said, as they all had to paused and waited for the late fifty to keep up.

After a slow jock by the Norwegian Rob walked up to him and pipped his mouth into his right ear, "If you can't keep up do me a favor and stay behind,"

"How much further," Mrs. Peters stopped after she noticed a heavy hip of breath dropping from Jnr's nose, "we started since 6 and this is almost 7,"

"Yeah, were are we going," Ria concord, "the far East of this building is not that lengthy,"

"Yeah, but we have to take the long route to avoid clashing with the robots,"

"Alright, my son is exhausted he needs water,"

"I ain't tap," Rob shrugged,

"I didn't ask for your help," Mrs. Peters said, "I got my water bottle," she dios her hands into the brown cross bag hanging around her chest, "drink up,"

"Alright, you want rest, you have rest," Rob sat resting his back on the wall, "we leave after five minutes,"

Mrs. Peters sighed and Ria shock her head, "I hate you,"

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