You Make It Easy In The Still Of The Night

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Dear Readers,

Thank you for reading and loving the story so far! So here's the thing...

If you've been waiting for a chapter filled with love, romance, sex, beautiful dialogue filled with inside references and Easter eggs of real life and my line of Buckingham Nicks stories...and if you enjoy reading touching things that make you cry and/or steamy stuff...this one's for you!!! <3


Santa Monica, California
Monday, May 21, 2007
(12:00 am)

Tired and too stoned to drive safely. Julie made up guest room, staying over at John's. See you tomorrow. Xo

Lindsey knew his wife would accept that explanation of why he would not be home tonight with little thought or need for more. He definitely had stayed over at John and Julie McVie's when he'd gone over there at night to play with their music and he'd had too much - alcohol or pot - to be safe on the road back to Brentwood. Kristen had told him from the beginning that he was somebody's father and he was better off being safe, that she'd rather he spend the night at John's, Mick's or wherever and drive home the next morning. He hated the dishonesty but there would be plenty of time later to fess up - when he informed her that he wanted a divorce because he could no longer go without the love of his life.

His heart was in his throat the entire drive into Santa Monica, The Who on his car radio at a reduced volume for the lateness of the hour singing "Teenage Wasteland". He grinned to himself as he sang out along with them the lyrics, "The exodus is here...the happy ones are here...Let's get together before we get much older..." He would be fifty-eight in October. Stevie turned fifty-nine in six days. They had wasted too much time not being happy, not being able to look over at the other side of the bed as they woke up each morning to face a new day and not seeing each other's faces.

Tonight, the loneliness came to an end.

He was trying to remain calm as he pulled his car into the parking structure of Stevie's luxury complex near the Santa Monica Pier. He noticed his trembling hands and they matched the flutter in his heart, and he told himself out loud in the car as he turned the engine off, "It's Stevie. It's everything you've ever dreamed of, right upstairs on the penthouse floor. Calm down."

But how could he remain calm, he thought, when for the first time since that awful night - November 30, 1997, their last night together in New York City - he would get to take into his arms and make love to the girl who'd been in his heart since a random Wednesday night in the eleventh grade when his friend Tommy had dragged him to a religious youth party and told him to bring his guitar so he could meet girls, and he'd met the love of his life in an unplanned perfect harmony of "California Dreaming" and never been the same?

He rode the elevator up in to her floor, the distant sound of the elevator music coming to his attention. He listened closer, the music on its lowest volume and barely audible, and he nearly cried as he made out what song was playing...

"You are so beautiful to me...You are so beautiful to me, can't you see? You're everything I've hoped for, you're everything I need...You are so beautiful to me..."

Lindsey was not a big believer in signs, at least not as much as Stevie was...but even he couldn't deny the timing of the song he'd played for her in their tiny apartment thirty-three years before as they both cried and made sure that each of them knew that the song was perfect, that in it's simplest terms, it was why they belonged together.

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