Chapter 15

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A/N: Omg!! My rewritten Zach x Reader book already has like 3K reads!! I don't know how that happened so quickly but thank you so much!!! I promise I won't let you down 😭💕

A folded piece of paper dropped down and then landed in your hands. You looked up, realizing it was from Zach's pocket. As your fingers unfolded the paper, your eyes widened in surprise. There you saw a portrait of yourself while you were on the plane. He must've drawn this when you weren't looking.

I didn't know he was so talented, you thought to yourself with a smile.

You quickly folded the paper back before putting it in your pocket. Your claws appeared, gripping the tree tightly. You climbed up until you reached the top. You saw the brothers seated on a thick branch and then nestled in between them.

"So, are we gonna sleep here?" Gray wrapped his arms around yours.

"Yes, it'll keep us safe," You nodded, "Hopefully, it's not gonna be a problem."  

"No," Zach replied. His shoulder rested on your other side. "I think we'll be fine."

"That wasn't a dinosaur," Gray muttered before you could close your eyes. "I've never seen anything like that before."

"You're right." You agreed, "It isn't."

"Then what is it?" He continued confusedly.

"It's a hybrid." You replied. 

"Where did it come from?" Zach asked.

"The Jurassic World scientists made it." You responded.

You heard Zach let out an irritated sigh, and you had to agree with him. This must've been the new attraction Claire was talking about. 

"I wonder how it got out?" Gray pondered.

"I don't know." You shrugged, "I don't think it really matters at this point."

"So, what do we do now?" He continued. 

"All we need to do is head back to the park." You stated.  

"Oh." Gray nodded and then yawned afterwards. "Well, see you in the morning." 

"Same to you, Gray." You smiled. 


Your eyes were closed but you still felt Zach leave your side. You opened your eyes and then saw him climb to another branch to sit down. You watched his expression filled with guilt as he gazed up at the night sky. Gently losing yourself from Gray's grasp, you quietly followed after him.

"Mind if I join?" You whispered, causing him to flinch. He then nodded, moving aside to give you some space.

"Sorry," Zach mumbled. 

"What?" You questioned. 

"Sorry, for not following the rules." He frowned, hanging his head down.  

"It's fine." You sighed, patting his shoulder. "Right now, your focus should be on surviving this island."

"I guess," Zach shrugged, agreeing with you.

"Sorry for getting mad at you." You apologized. 

"You had a reason." He said, "So, it's okay."  

"Also, you dropped this." You noted, handing his paper back. His eyes widened, immediately retrieving the portrait back while his cheeks turned pink. "You're a talented artist, by the way." 

" think so?" Zach spoke awkwardly. 

"Yeah," Your cheeks felt warm. "You made me look hot."

"Well, I, uh, thanks." Zach stuttered out. His blush darkened. "You...always look hot." He paused, realizing what he just said before continuing. "But, I haven't drawn in a while so--"

"Well, for someone who hasn't drawn in a while, you sure did great." You grinned.

A slight smile appeared on his face before turning into a frown. 

"My teacher didn't think so," Zach sighed, "She said I was a horrible artist."

"Well, your teacher is wrong." You pointed out. "Some people will bring you down, but you must keep going." 

Zach then sighed heavily. "If you think I'm good, then I believe you." 

"You should." You teased slightly. "I know what I'm talking about." 

This caused Zach to chuckle slightly. 

"So what about you?" He then changed the subject. "Do you have another sad backstory?" 

"Besides my dad's death, not really." You said, "But, because of that, I wasn't really allowed to go anywhere. This is my first time outside."

"Wow." Zach mused, "Well, I'm glad that you're here."

"Me too, Zach." You smiled, "Me too." 

You both sat there, staring up at the night sky. You were in awe at how the stars shined so bright. The silence was then filled with bellows in the distance. You smiled contentedly, but then froze when you felt Zach's fingers intertwine with yours. Your cheeks were hot and yet a grin graced upon your face. 

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