Late Nights

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This is a school au so a few dead characters will be involved.

No pov:

It was an ordinary day at Kimetsu Academy, it was lunch break and Samemi, Kanae, Tengen, Shinobu and Iguro were in the teachers lounge, Giyu was cleaning up the basketballs from last lesson.

"So Sanemi.. you were telling me about—" Kanae was cut off by Sanemi covering her mouth and giving her a death glare.
"Shut the fuck up, there are other people in here now." Sanemi whispered, everyone heard him.
"Ara Ara~ Telling you about what?~" Shinobu said tryna figure out what was going on.
Kanae was giggling with Shinobu as Tengen gave Sanemi a little punch on the arm.
"Or a boyfriend.." Obanai hissed.
"Shut the fuck up shrimpy." Sanemi hissed back at Iguro as he gave a death glare back, even though Obanai knew everything (as well as kanae).

"Care to tell us who it is?~" Shinobu hummed.
"Over my dead body." The angry male hissed.
"AHH SO YOU DO LIKE SOME ONE!! CAN WE GUE—" Tengen was cut off.
"Im leaving." Sanemi grabbed kanae and dragged her out of the teachers lounge and outside.

"Im sorry!! It slipped out.. you do need to finish what you were telling me earlier!!" Kanae said with a grin on her face.
"Fine, ill do it over text like a normal person." Sanemi said annoyed.

The bell rung and all of the students had gone to there lessons.

With Giyu:

"Good afternoon Tomioka!!!" Tanjiro shouted.
Giyu nodded at Tanjiro and Tanjiro smiled at him as a few other students walked in.
"We will be doing circuits today, something simple." Giyu said.
Everyone nodded and went to go train.

"Hm..Tomioka always looks lonely.. we should try and find him a girlfriend!!" Tanjiro said sweetly.
"Hmm.. I dont know Tanjiro.." Zenitsu said anxiously.
"COME ON !! YOU TWO ARE SO WEAK!!!!" Inosuke shouted.
"Hey!!! We're not weak!" Zenitsu shouted back.
"You dont think it would be nice for Tomioka to have like.. some one to give him affection and all that?.." Tanjiro said looking at Zenitsu.
"No its just.. I mean cmon, hes clearly gay." Zenitsu said.
"Nooo! You think everyone is gay, you thought me and Inosuke were gay because we didnt want to play tag with the butterfly girls!" Tanjiro said while laughing.
"Hmmm really?" Zenitsu said.
"No hes not ga-" Tanjiro was cut off

"No slacking." Giyu said sternly.
30 Minutes would pass and the lesson would be over.

"See you tomorrow Tomioka!!" Tanjiro waved while running out, Giyu had a special visitor coming to see him after lesson though..

He heard a knock on the door as he was cleaning up, it opened and he saw Kanae standing at the door.
"Oh, hi kanae." Giyu said quietly enough for her to hear.
"Afternoon Tomioka!! Would you mind giving me your number!! For work of course!" (It was really for Sanemi's sake but oh well)
"Oh, yes just lend me your phone and ill return it to you when im finished cleaning." Giyu said.
"Okay!! My password is 123456!!" Kanae would hand over the phone to Giyu and leave.

Around 20 minutes later he would be done cleaning, it was around 4 o'clock and he had put his number into her phone, he got a bit nosey and decided to look through it a bit.

He clicked on messages and found Sanemi. 'Hmm.. This could be interesting.' The man thought to himself as he clicked on Sanemi and Kanae's messages.

Best duo ever 🔥💪:

Sanemi: He pisses he off so much but i dont know how to feel around him anymore, hes just so fucking hot i cant deal with it.

Kanae: Ever wondered what he looks like naked? or even what hes like in bed~

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