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You laughed along to the comic you were reading. It was a gift from one of your friends, but you were instantly hooked. The art, the story, the one liners, the drama, you just loved it. You put it down as you stood up, walking over to your vinyls.

You pick up one and play in your record player. You plummeted your body on your bed as the song 'girls just wanna have fun' played through your room. You heard the phone buzz from the kitchen, and sprung up, running to the kitchen.

"Hello?" You said as you finally got to the phone and picked it up, realising that it was robin! "Hi y/n, how are you?" Her raspy voice went through the line. "Good, how about you?" You responded. "Im good, would you mind doing a favour for me?" She asked. You were always up to anything so you agreed.

"Great! So I need you to cover for me in work, just pretend to work their, keith doesn't care as long as you have tits your good, would you mind?" Keith. You never liked that bastard, he gave off creepy vibes.

"Ok, you can drop by to give me the uniform at 8, need anything else?" I say, hearing a sigh of releif by robin. "Nope! Your a lifesaver, thank you so much!" She said as she hung up.

Your younger brother ran up, almost slipping onto you. "Who was that??" He asked, his voice frantic. "No Dustin, it wasn't will, El, Max, Lucas, Mike or Eddie. It was robin" you say as Dustin lets out a long sigh. "Stop being such a drama queen, dusty poo" you snickered as he flipped up the middle finger to you.

You had been involved with the upside down for a while, being a friend-ish therapist-ish type of friendship to him, but you never got over his death. You and max grew closer over that.

But you had NEVER spoken a word to steve harrington. He told the school you had rabies once and that provoked tommy and carol to bully you for a year, as Steve turned a blind eye. To keep it short, you didn't like Steve.

It especially sucked since Dustin and Steve became friends, so you had to see that 'man' way more than usual. Dustin wanted you and Steve to get together, but you slapped him when he brought it up. He tried to flirt with you once, but you didn't hear him.

>>Robins pov<<

"BOOM!" I laugh as I hang up the phone. "That proves im better at talking to girls than you!" Steve rolls his eyes. "Yeah I bet" he snarls as i lean against the counter. "Steve it worked, so that does prove my point dingus!" I spit as he looks up. "No way, you got her?" He asks. I nod as he smiles at me. "Tomorrow shes coming in, but don't blame me if she ignores you" "robin!" He says in offence "just kidding steve!" I laugh as a customer comes in. "Sorry, we are closing now" I say as I start closing

<<time skip next day, your pov>>

I fit on the uniform and admire myself in the mirror. I finally stop and get in my car. Im early when i arrive, but Robin gave me the keys to open up the shop. I then sit at the counter, dreading the next 7 hours of today. Im reading a comic when, the keg king himself, Steve Harrington walks in. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asks, but he's very bad at acting. I know he knows since robin said she told him.

"Robin asked me to do her shift" I say, fixating my eyes on the comic. Steve walks by me and stands the other side of me "what do you think?" He asks, trying to start a conversation. "Think of what?" I ask, trying my best not to come off as irritated as I am for the sake of being polite. " the shop" he replies, opening his arms. "Oh, yeah its pretty nice" I reply, observing the shop.

An hour of talking goes by when Keith enters the shop, his eyes widening at the sight of me. I look away from him, trying to ignore his weird self, but he leans on the counter. "Hey y/n, Id like to order a romance novel, would ya get that for me love?" Which would be normal if he didn't say love and hadn't tried this 8 times before. "No can do keith, can get you a murder mystery though" I spit back as I hear Steve snicker. Keith pouts like a baby and storms off into the back, not even bothering.

"Shut him right down, did ya y/n" Steve laughs. I don't want to enjoy this. I smile though, pushing down those feelings. Better to enjoy myself then stress over it. "He's been trying for months, the man can't seem to realise that rejection doesn't mean try again" I laugh as he agrees.

"Remember Tammy Thompson!" I jump up about to laugh. "No?" Steve laughs at my sudden burst of energy. "Oh my god steve! She used to be my best friend and she used to tell me to act like you and role play a fucking love story with me!" I burst out laughing as Steve's eyes widen. "Holy.." steve laughs, brushing a hand through his hair.

"Oh my god she make me stand still and then she would be all over me, hugging me, dancing with me, reading with me, anything couples did! She would always say stuff like 'oh Steve I love you so much'!" I cackle as Steve laughs harder. "Wait wait how did she even do that??" Steve laughs as I hold my arms behind his neck and lift my leg up. I yank my head back and laugh. "Just like this?" Steve asks. "Yeah , and I'd grab her leg as it was up and it was so funny!" I cackle as steve grabs my leg and makes kissy faces to me. "Oooh tammy mwa mwa mwa" "oh steve i love you so much" i say in an overly high voice. Then the news reports something that gets my attention instantly.

"A young school girl from Hawkings High has been murdered. The body has not yet been identified."

Steve lets go of my leg and i sprint to the phone, dialling Robins number. She isn't picking up. Tears of relief prick my eyes as she finally picks up. "Holy shit robin I thought you were the one that died" i say in releif as we talk for a minute then she hangs up. I talk to steve again

My attention diverts to Dustin and Max as they walk in. "Hey did you guys hear, somebody was murdered" he says as i nod. "How many phones do you have" Dustin asks as the two kids look serious. "Uhm I dont-" i start as dustin asks again. "HOW MANY PHONES DO YOU HAVE" he shouts as Steve answers "Woah" "steve" "dustin we have 2,3 if you count keiths in the back"

"Three" dustin says, turning to max. "Yeah that should be enough" Max says as Dustin jumps on the counter and basically robs us of our personal bubble. "WOAH WOAH WOAH. STOP- DUDE MY CASETS!" Steve starts. "I AM SO TELLING MUM ABOUT THIS, YOU ARE DEAD" i shout as max follows dustin, who is going on the computer. "What- man what are you even doing!!" Steve shouts as Dustin searches. "Searching for Eddies friends" dustin snaps back as "why eddie" I ask as Dustin hushes me. I sigh and go to the phone. "What are you doing??" Max asks as I dial Robins number. "Getting Robin here, she'd kill me if she missed this"

5 minutes later Robins car pulls up in the driveway. I run out and explain whats happening as Steve,, Max and Dustin walk out. "Drive us to Eddie's" Dustin says. "The freak Munson? No way that is not happening-" "Steve do you ever put a sock in it" robin snickers as I get in my car. "What- you AGREE with him?" Steve says as Robin and Dustin gets in. "She's his older sister" Max states as Steve sighs and follows max to the car.

"Eddie the freak Munson" I laugh to myself. "What?" Steve asks. "Oh no nothing mr keg king" i sarcastically say, as he scoffs. "Tell me" he gnaws. "Oh you just don't have to be so judgemental Steve" I laugh. "Well I'm sorry for judging him for squashing Heidi's lunch" he laughs. "Who the fuck-" i ponder. "His ex" Robin answer. "I dumped her!" Steve qualifies. "Definitely" Robin laughed. "can you all just shut up!?" Dustin shouts. "Jeez dusty poo" Robin laughs. "Don't you-" "oh my god yes! Turn around, look at what you see~" i laugh. "What was your version dusty bun?" Dustin scoffs "Susie's ears only you asshole!" Dustin shouts. "Everybody!" Steve laughs as we all sing it, with Dustin practically abusing Steve. Everyone except Max and Dustin are singing. We all stop when we land at Eddies trailer.

"This man a drug dealer?" Robin asks. "Possibly" Steve replied. "He is not a drug dealer" Dustin says, poking Steve. "Definitely a druggie at least" you say. "He does not take drugs" dustin sighs. "Dustin he stayed back 3 years in school, has the hair of a poodle and probably is an alcoholic. Bingo, druggie" i clarify.

"Just cmon!" Dustin shouts.

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