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(Whoever added this book to the library Stevie hiii)

Y/n pov
I hug on to Steve as we wake up. Yesterday was crazy, but I got Steve out of it. Dustin doesn't know, but he really doesn't need to. Today is the big day, and I'm going with Steve, Nancy and Robin. I give Steve a peck on the cheek as I can feel that he's anxious. "I love youu!" I smile as he kisses me back. We shoot compliments at each other until I break the flirting and go to Robin.

"ROBIN!" I shout as I walk into her room, Robin perking up. "Yess y/n?" She asks as I smile. "I have a confession!" I sit on Robins bed as she stretches herself out. "Go on" she beckons as she smiles playfully "I may or may not be dating Steve-" I say as Robin almost jumps. "NO FUCKING WAY! NO FUCKING WAY! OH MY GOD IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU AAAA!!" She says as she runs to me and shakes me, making me more energetic. "STOP DUSTINS GONNA HEAR" I laugh, putting my hand on her mouth.

"Already heard all I need to know" I hear a voice say, the emotion is hard to find. A cold chill runs down my spine as the smile on my face instantly drops and my happy pose slowly decreases in giddiness. Robin mouths to me a 'oh shit' as she smiles, covering her mouth trying not to snicker. My head slowly turns to Dustin as Robin dies laughing. I snap my head back at her and lift her up and place her out, walking quickly past Dustin. "Its... ok" Dustin says as I smile. Robin jumps up and does the 'EEEEE' thing.

As I finish laughing and walk away, I feel tired. I haven't slept in a few days and Steve didn't see my arms. I can't sleep, today is THE DAY. I'm going Steve, Robin, Nancy and now dustin. He insisted he need come with me, so Lucas is going with Eddie and Max and Erica will distract Vecna hopefully. Max is distracting Vecna by using her trauma as a sheild, and also bringing gifts for him.

My scars are getting itchy. I'll just- I'll just lie down. I'll be fine. I'm going to survive. I- I have to tough it out. Its just in a matter of time everything will be normal.

I wake up and feel shittier. I'm about to stand up but I'm way too weak and tired so I just lie down. I feel different now, its like I'm not strong anymore. Like I can still kick ass but I can't- I am like a marshmallow now. I used to be that big strong girl and now I'm this. Hasn't eaten in days, one suicide attempt in the bag and a big monster out for my neck. Things aint looking so okey dokey. I am lying in my own misery as Steve walks in. "Steeeve, can you lift me?" I say lazily as he sighs while laughing. He gives me a piggyback as he smiles. We walk with the rest as I stick my tongue out at Dustin.

Time skip to entering the upside down. "Dustin, go with Eddie" I say as I kneel down to him. We are about to go when we realise Eddie is gonna go alone. Dustin looks at me as I see the fear in his eyes. "Don't worry man, its a free concert" I say as I hug him. I stand up and smile at Dustin, and then look at Eddie. "Hurt him and you ass is grass, hear me munson?" I say, intimidatingly. "Will do" Eddie says as he throws his hands up.

I walk away with Robin as I hear Steve warning them.I feel this pit in my stomach as I blankly laugh with her. I have some letters in the duffel bags I wrote. I look over to Robin as Nancy and Steve walk together, Steve just chatting with her. "And I didn't tell you in that Harrington family the mother is-" Me? "Y/n" Steve says reffering to me.

I smile as we walk to the house, still being a bit tired. As we reach the house I get a weird thumping in my head, like something is wrong. Along with that my arms start to itch. I ignore it as I walk along, looking around at the devilish scenery.

We make it to the kreel house and everything's fine until we peek in on Vecna. His head snaps towards us the second I look in. I feel my body being slammed onto a wall as I feel my back almost being broken. I try to lift my arms up but its like I'm paralysed. My body is lifted up to the wall as I flutter my eyes open and horror strikes me as I see that same face. Hear the same voice. I should of just offed myself, this wouldn't be happy. I creak my eyes over to the door as I see Steve, Nancy and Robin creeping in. They are horrified. 'No' Steve mouths to himself as I scream hearing the shot of a gun and feeling my body fall to the floor.

I don't lie there. I sheepishly get up and sprint into Steve arms and hug him. "Steve!" I cry as I feel his chin on my head as he cries. He lifts me up bridal style. "STEVE , Y/N RUN!" Nancy shouts as I get off of Steve. I run to Robin. "Don't die" I smile at her as she looks at me back. "You too bestie!" She says as I then run like fuck as Steve follows. Once we are out of the house we both agree to go to Dustin and Eddie, just to keep them safe.

We find Dustin and Eddie by the sound of his guitar. Dustin is distracted until I shout. "DUSTIN!" He looks to me as I run and hug him. He hugs back as I recap on everything. "I'm glad your safe" he smiles as Eddie finishes up. "Glad your alive" he says as I handshake him. "Me too" I agree. We walk to the shed. Dustin and Steve have gotten inn to the real world. Its Eddies turn, but he doesn't go in. He cuts the rope. "Eddie?" I ask as he walks away, ignoring Dustin and Steves screams. Eddie starts to run as I follow him. "EDDIE! DONT DO THIS!" I shout as we chase each other. As we run, I fall. When I get back up Eddies in the storm, fighting the bats.

"Fuck sake" I mutter under my breath.

I run in and shove him away. He isn't fully out but I still shout "EDDIE RUN! YOU HAVE A FUTURE, IM GOING EITHER WAY! JUST RUN! BE THERE FOR DUSTIN AND PLEASE, LIVE!" I'm about to shout more as a bat comes for me and I take out my flamethrower. I fire everything as Eddie runs away.

The fighting goes on for an eternity until I win, and collapse on the floor. Im exhausted and can feel the wounds I've gotten. I hear footsteps all around an my name being called. "Hello?" I croak out, not loud enough to be heard. I hear someone run to me while shouting "I FOUND HER"  I feel someones arms scoop me up and start running like shit. I can feel their tears dropping on my cheeks. "Steve..?" I croak out, managing to get him to slow down. "Steve, stop" i say, my voice still very weak. Steve ignores what Im saying as I hear footsteps running with him. "Steve I'm going to die either-" I start, trying to argue.

"SHUT UP!" Steve shouts through sobs, I can feel him hug me tight. He holds me closer to him. I quick and squirm and make Steve drop me. "Eugh!" I say as I hit the floor, feeling my wounds. Steve kneels down besides me and holds me in his arms. Dustin rushes over with his tear stained cheeks. "Dustin!" I croak out with me weak voice, the pain getting worse. "Y/n no!" Dustin cries as I weakly smile. "Dustin, I love you, tell mum I love her too" I say with a damaged voice. "No! Your- your going to survive and- and you can- you can say that to your m- mother yourself" Steve interrupts as he  cries. I notice everyone crowded around me. "Oh please don't cry!" I say weakly as I notice the majority is crying. "Robin, your my best friend! Remember when you accidentally broke Keith's prized possession at the arcade and we ran like fu- fuck?" I smile as my broken voice reminisces on the good times. "Oh Steve don't cry, I love you" I weakly smile. I can tell my time is running out. "Dustin, live on for me. Go and have a good life, don't end up in a barn high on whatever you get on, and remember I love you" I weakly say as he cries.

"Whelp, thats it. Goodbye Steve, Robin, Nancy, Mum and Dad and goodbye Dustin. Thank you so much, I've had a great time" I say as Dustin panics trying to keep me awake. This is it, isn't it? I've lived a life cut short, but its been a hell of a ride. I'll be sure to tell them what heaven looks like.

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