𝒔𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒚. || ❝ nothing left to lose ❞

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disclaimer !!
small hints and mentions of murder, i guess?? there's a surprisingly small amount of violence and stuff in this one considering the two featured in it but 💀 you know. this has not been proof read.

 this has not been proof read

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[ the scene is in that of an opera house. upon the stage, imai sits alone on a throne, staring blankly down at his knife as he mindlessly cleans it. below him, nyx stands alone amongst the seats, although they notably look nervous - probably due to few amount of imai's fans who stand outside of the room to block off the exists. ]

"... imai, you're angry, i get it ..."

[ nyx takes a hesitant step forward. imai spares them a small glance before continuing to clean his knife. nyx gulps. ]

"believe me, i know what it's like!"

[ nyx frowns and looks down at their hand before sighing guiltily and tightly shutting their eyes. ]

"but you are making a mistake ..."

[ curling their hand into a fist, nyx looks back up at imai and begins to walk closer to the stage he sits atop of. ]

"the path of hate is a dangerous track

you take one step, and it's hard to turn back

it pulls you along

and, though it seems wrong, it feels right ..."

[ imai, who has still yet to look up from cleaning his knife, suddenly pauses when he sees nyx's reflection appear in the blade, revealing that the younger adult had climbed up onto the stage without him noticing - most likely due to being too lost in his own thoughts. ]

"don't you see, this path you're on leaves a permanent mark ...?"

[ imai scoffs, stands up from his throne, and begins to walk away from nyx to the back of the stage. ]

"it feels good at first, then it slowly turns dark ..."

[ nyx quickly follows after imai, who noticeably picks up the pace the moment he notices they are. nyx frowns and reaches out to the hoshino desperately as he walks further away from them. ]

"with each passing day

you're further astray from the light ...!"

[ imai, now at the back of the stage with nyx, continues walking along in the darkness until he runs into a set of mirrors, which reflect nyx's upset form from behind imai, making the man snarl in return. ]

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