01. Pilot

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[New aesthetic at the bottom. The mystery of who this character is related to will be fun for y'all I hope.]

22 Years Later

UCLA - Josh's Apartment

Josh let out a huff, hearing banging on his door.

He opened it to reveal Dean. "What do you want?"

"Is that any way to greet your favorite brother?"

"You have ten seconds to explain why you're here or I'm calling campus security."



"Dude, come on."


Dean rolled his eyes. "Dad's missing."

"So he went on some Miller Time Shift. He always comes back. Five seconds."

"I need your help to find him."

Josh glanced back at his homework and sighed. "I have a test I can't miss."

"We'll be back by Monday. Now come on. We need to get to Stanford."

"Stan- Dean, he's out. I'm out too."

"Yeah, theatre geek?"

"Psychology now, actually."

"You're still a theatre geek. Now are you coming or not?"

Josh said nothing as he turned and began doing some cleaning. He stuffed weapons in his duffel and said, "I'm coming."

The two of them got into the car and Josh threw his duffel in the back, grimacing as Dean put on music, then grinned lightly, remembering a musical featuring rock songs that had come out that year.


When they reached their destination and the brothers opened a window and snuck into an apartment.

Dean opened the window and clinked the beer cabinet. He and Josh walked past the string at the far end of the hall. Dean hit his hip and let out a quiet hiss.

Sam, who had been woken up, moved to another part of the apartment and waited as Dean and Josh entered the room.

Sam lunged forward and grabbed Dean and Josh's shoulders. Dean and Josh knocked Sam's arm away and aimed a strike at Sam, who ducked. Dean grabbed Sam's arm, swung him around, and shoved him back. Sam kicked and was blocked before being pushed into another room. Sam got a glimpse of Dean and Josh, though he didn't immediately recognize the fact. Dean and Josh elbowed Sam in the face and Sam kicked at their heads. Dean and Josh ducked and swung, but Sam blocked them. Dean knocked Sam down and pinned him to the floor, one hand at Sam's neck and the other holding Sam's wrist.

"Whoa, easy tiger," Dean said.

Sam breathed hard. "Dean?" His eldest brother laughed. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"That's 'cause you're out of practice."

Sam grabbed Dean's hand and yanked, slamming his heel into Dean's back and Dean to the floor.

"Or not," Dean said.

Sam tapped Dean twice where he had him.

"Get off of me," Dean demanded.

Sam rolled to his feet and pulled Dean up. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Josh gestured to Dean in an annoyed fashion. "He was looking for a beer."

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