I Changed my Mind (Not a Chapter but a A/N)

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You have to put your questions here because it would be better for me to look back and see which is for which and every end of the month, I will be 4 more sections each time a month ends but for now since it is August 19 2022, there would be only 3 sections, then I will be adding four more. And don't put it on the old asks if I added new ones. Put it on the last ask and I will put a list of what is done and what is not or the comment section.

Asking #1: The Starting of the Fourth Wall

( Just to make it a bit longer for fun) Asking #2 and #3: Headache Ending

Asking #4: Break to Continue

Asking #5:Good Man He Was

Asking #6: Ages

Asking #7 and #8: The Endings of Eyes

Asking #9: Don't you Dare, Cuphead

Asking #10: Guilty?

Asking #11: Me?

Asking #12:

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