Guilty? #10

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Your Asks;

CC_Hunter_GG asked: Y/N have you watched The Owl House?

"(Yawn) Well yes I did, I watched it from season 1-3. I watched it with the creator, Rain, and we both loved the show." Y/N stood up with their illusion coven shirt merch and some blue pants. Y/N opened up the fridge and pulled out water, closing the fridge and going back to their bed, couch.

"Oh and if you are wondering about my favorite character or characters, it would be Steve, Amity and Principal Bump. They are just serious but funny and likable." Y/N grinned and leaned on the arm shoulder of the couch, drinking the water, before putting it on the coffee table and laying back on the couch.

The camera zooms out to see Rain leaning on their chair while watching The Owl House on their computer. Rain noticed the camera and smiled.
"Wait, why am I third personing myself? I am the creator." I asked myself, finally kinda putting it on a first person point of view.

"Oh and for me my favorite characters would be Edalyn, Hunter and Amity, they just stick with me from the moment I saw them." I answered the asker, with a nod and the camera glitiched out for the next ask.

HhhhhhhhQew asked: Hey cups *slides over $500* go infront of all the casino workers and tell everyone your opinions on mugs and Y/N.

They are at work right now after the first ask of my asker, so it's technically a timeskip

"Oh, oh. Someone finally speakin' my language. You got yourself a deal." Cuphead fingerguns at the asker behind walking backwards and turning to the stage.

There was a performer already with Y/N and Mugman serving and playing with customers. While the performer was singing to the crowd, Cuphead pushed the performer with his back, grabbing the microphone quickly. The performer whimpered in pain and growled angrily to the cup.

"Testing. Testing. Could the crowd in the back hear me?" CUphead asked, tapping the microphone, making the worst noise that could make someone deaf. People from the back agreed quickly for him to stop. "Good, now I have a word for the crowd about the two best friends I ever had."
"Is one of them money?" Dot asked, as the crowd burst into laughter, but two.

"What is he up to?" Y/N asked, resulting in Mugman shrugging his shoulders, both to Cuphead's annoucement.

"Hah, very funny. Anyways, I wish but these are living beings. My brother and my friend, Mugman and Y/N." Everyone turned their attention towards the two workers who were covering their faces from the crowd and walking away from all the tables.

"My sweet Mugman brother, you have helped me a lot through my stubborn and greedy years since we were kids. I still apologize for what had happened a long time ago. Mugman, he, my blue brother." Cuphead pointed towards Mugman, whose light is shining on with him adn Y/N hiding behind the bartender stand. "Thank you for being that innocent brother that helps me get out of things." King Dice and Devil glanced at Mugman with a raised brow, Mugman was chuckling awkwardly to their bosses.

"And Y/N, my friend who hits my head with a tray." The crowd started laughing at that. "Rude. But they had been one of my first friends to tolerate me enough that they would still be there and care for me. Kinda like a sibling." And with that concluded, he bowed and he gained his money from the asker. The audience and employences cheered at the announcement and Y/N and Mugman hid from embarrassment from Cuphead's performance.

VOAdam Asks;

The-magical-absterlini asked: Hey Cup and Mugs! What do you think about pets? Because here you go, have a pet chicken! *hands Mugman a slikie chicken! BAIIIII *runs away*

"Aaaa. I don't know how to hold a chicken." Mugman stated with worry on the chicken in hand. The chicken faced him with his fluffy feathers covering his eyes.

"Well, looks like we don't have to buy dinner tonight!" Cuphead announced outloud for both Mugman and the chicken out loud.

"WAIT NO! NOT THE RIBBON!!" Mugman tried to pull his ribbon away from the chicken with it still getting ahold of the ribbon. Cuphead started to regret even saying it out loud. "No COME BACK!!" THe chicken started running away with Mugman chasing after it.

"Guess I shouldn't have said that out loud." Cuphead finally realized it, but it could be that maybe the chicken just wanted the ribbon.

Lv100noctowl asked; *Dabbing all over the casino*

King Dice, Mangosteen and Y/N pointed at the person, shrugged or just made a weird expression from the sudden action of the asker.

Anonymous asked: So mugman why do you always hide behind your brother? Do you really are so easily impressed and Cuphead I don't really understand WHO IS THE ELDER BROTHER???

We're twins, but I GUESS he's TECHNICALLY like a minute or somethin'." Cuphead pointed behind him on his taller twin brother. Who was proud of being older but also annoyed at his brother for jumping infront of him when they were younger in battle.

"I don't ALWAYS hide behind him, most of the time it's him jumpin' in front of me... and what do you mean by 'easily impressed'?" Mugman answered the first question for the asker with mainly no impression for his brother jumping infront of him now."

Ask-genie asked: Oh, Mug!! Do you know what Kintusgi is? You should check it out sometime, it's hella dope!! (I promise it's nothing bad, it's an art tactic used with pottery and ceramics. It's super interesting!)

"W-Woah..." Mugman was impressed at the sheet of pictures to connect their broken parts together. Almost like the devil's.

"Hmm?" Y/N turned towards the Mug and looked over his shoulder. Mugman was surprised at their sudden appearance over his shoulder but he sighed it off and showed it to Y/N. They observed the paper and chuckled. "It's almost like the Devil's but for your handle and Cup's arm." Mugman hummed in agreement.

Pie3104 asked: Hiya King Dice! I was just wondering how you were doing and I hope you're having a good day! (Ps I really love your artstyle especially the coloring!)

"Doin' just fine! Thanks for askin'." King Dice answered by leaning on a chair with a money bag near his table with his leg laying on the table.

Procrastinatingbookworm asked: If Elder Kettle hadn't told you that you could, would you have fought the Devil or just handed over the contracts? Y/N, ever thought that maybe that kid you sold his soul to was actually good hearted and was just afraid to show weakness, will you feel guilty?

"Whether he said it or not, we would never give them away." Mugman started with an image of him holding onto Cup's wrists who was holding onto a contract. They both had a worried look on their faces. "Right?" He thought with a bit of unsureness.

Anonymous asked: Y/N, ever thought that maybe that kid you sold his soul to was actually good hearted and was just afraid to show weakness, will you feel guilty?

"Huh...Oh well..." Y/N held their arm thinking about this question.

"He could be good hearted, but nothing could change a filthy action like him.." An image of Xavier mocking Y/N when they were young and innocent.

"He gave me hope before his soul was taken." Y/N remembered how he was thankful and glad for them to save him, but they see that maybe it was just an act of getting away and if they didn't, they would be thinking that he will just harm more towards them and others.

"I don't feel guilty..." Y/N had an image of themselves screaming behind them. "No regrets." Then they pleaded on their knees. "Nothing can change what has already been written." Then their eyes glowed with glowing yellow. With their face frowning and tilted down to the ground. 

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