The Endings of Eyes #7, 8

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Your Asks;

VOAdam Asks;

Anonymous asked: Have you ever switched your clothes? (Cuphead and Mugman)

"Hey Boss!" The twins come into the room with their uniform switched off their original symbols and colors. As the twins walked past the trio, they looked at them confused then looked at each other. The Devil leaned on his throne with a smoke in his mouth, King DIce leaning on the table with one of his hands raised and the other on the table, and Y/N holding a tray of their bosses' alcohol.

Anonymous asked: King Dice have you already surprised Cuphead doing something naughty? With Y/N?

Cuphead and Y/N were talking until they passed King Dice, slipping the Diamond card under his cuff. Cuphead noticed this and brought it out.

"SO YOU DO CHEAT!" Cuphead pointed out King Dice and the card jumped. Y/N leaned on the doorway looking at it happening. They see more things worse than cheating.

Anonymous asked: KING DICEEEEEE CAN I HAVE A HAND KISS? I think you are sooo elegant

"You'll have to earn it, darling." King Dice answered back, looking down to the person's soul.

"Pa! Dad wants your hand kisses!" Y/N called out to King DIce as KIng DIce stopped his medesing pose.

"I'm comin', Dear." King Dice turned and walked towards them.

Cheerydaimond asked: Hey KD question, what is your opinion on cups and mugs working with ya and the rest of the other staff members?

"When they first showed their mugs here askin' for a job, I thought they went insane. Though Boss would set 'em on fire right there on the spot. 'N he almost did, but turns out he had...PLANS." King Dice answered with both icons of the cups cracked heads and his eyes furrowing. "With Y/N, they worked hard since a young age and a bit more mature than the twins with everything." King Dice had a smile on his face looking at how the young Y/N played cards with him and the staffs.

"But over time...they proved to be quite hard working and useful. Fun to mess with." A glare rises between the leaning over King Dice with a crown and a leaning forward Cuphead with a Jester hat. "Fun to have around." King Dice smiled at the talking Mugman with also a jester hat. "Fun to see around." Y/N smirked at a customer as one of their eyes was purple with a snake eye.

"And they manage to annoy Wheezy pretty well." Mugman hid behind Cuphead, as he held his ground from Wheezy. Wheezy leaned over with his cigar, while Y/N held Wheezy by his coat.

Anonymous asked: I like that the devil has a little crown on his horn

"Heh...It's uhhh..." The Devil started off with a nervous tone in his voice. "I used it to help mend my horn after it fell off Don't need it no more but I like it, so I'm keeping it." Devil pointed to his crown piece on his horn with his devilish tail.

Anonymous asked: King Dice do you enjoy teaching the bros cards tricks?

"I only teach Mugman and, well...guess it's a nice way to pass the time. I know he'll find it useful." King Dice answered with the card of hearts on his shoulder. Mugman tried to shuffle the cards to his other hand, but it ended up in a disaster, pushing the card off King Dice's shoulder.

Wellarentyoujustaray ofpitchblack asked: So wait, in a previous ask, mugs blushed when asked about liking CalaMaria. Mugman, are you crushing on the sweet mermaid lady? Does the two know?

"Yeah...I'll never forget how she turned me to stone with that gaze..and then tried to drown me...she's a wonder..." Mugman blushed, dreamily thinking about Cala Maria. Y/N chuckled at the mug, drinking water for their hydration than alcohol that they have.

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