Chapter 7

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2 months later.

My first date with Edwin was amazing. We've been going on dates back to back every since that day. Still the boys and Madison don't know about it. These past two days Edwin has been acting a little strange. He's been carefully looking at things I like when we go out. Something in me feels like he's gonna ask me out but I also think it's a bit early for him to do it.

And about the interview, their representative loved it. That means I got the job and I'm super happy. The boys took me out to celebrate. We went out for a couple of drinks and we had an amazing time. We just had a photo shoot today and wanted to watch a movie with Madison to celebrate that. They wanted to do it at my house but I made an excuse to go to a public theater. I told them I don't have the projector anymore since it "broke".  So we went to one. The boys and Madison went to go save seats for us while Edwin and I went to go get snacks and drinks.

Edwin: we're finally alone
Y/N: I know I didn't think they were gonna leave us alone
*he holds your hand*
Edwin: I really love being with you it feels good to hang out with someone besides the boys
Y/N: you know I was thinking the same but with Mads
*you both smile*
Y/N: I just want to say thank you for everything
Edwin: I should be the one thanking you
Y/N: why? I don't think I helped you with anything
Edwin: you helped me realize one thing
Y/N: which is?
Edwin: you helped me realize my feelings towards you and how much I want to...
*he stops & just smile*
Edwin: nevermind
...: next!

We ordered the snacks and drinks and meet up with the rest. All I could think about is what he wanted to do. I just hope he wanted to do the same thing I wanted to do was to kiss him. We only kissed on the cheek but that's it. There was moments we were closed to kissing but then something would happen. Hopefully todays the day it happens, the night has not ended.

Y/N: alright here are your guys snacks and drinks
*you gave them their things*
All: thank you
Edwin: where are we sitting?
Madison: oh right he-
*she turns to see someone sitting in one of the seats*
Madison: I guess they took it
Edwin: it's fine we'll sit somewhere else
Brandon: we can go somewhere else
*you looked to see all the seat taken*
Y/N: I think all the seats are taking you guys sit there and we'll go somewhere else
Austin: you sure?
Edwin: yeah we'll see you guys later
*you guys started walking towards the back*
Y/N: I guess we can consider this as a date
Edwin: I guess we can I was really wishing this happened
Y/N: I'm glad I'm not the only one
*you both giggled*
Y/N: ahh look there's two seats open
Edwin: and no one is seating close

A few minutes later.

The movie started and we were enjoying it. Edwin wanted to put his arm around me but he keep looking at the boys and Madison and they keep turning to look for us.

Edwin: do you think they see us?
Y/N: I'm pretty sure they do watch
*you wave & they waved back*
Y/N: see
Edwin: I wanted to put my arm around you
Y/N: well they won't see us holding hands
*he holds your hand*
Edwin: you're right
*he kissed your hand*
Y/N: now let's enjoy the movie

Madison's POV:
The boys and I know Edwin and Y/N are talking and going on dates behind our backs. We just agreed we wouldn't say anything until they tell us. Y/N only told me about the first date but after that they've been secretive and not very good. Everytime we ask to hang out, they would make up a random shit. That's why we didn't save the seats. We knew they would to be alone.

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