Chapter 13

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A week later.

It's our trip to Miami. The boys and Madison stayed over at my place. Of course the one that woke us up was Caleb Zion Kuwonu. He was basically screaming making Edwin fall off the bed due to how loud he was.

*you're laughing as he gets up*
Edwin: ah you thought me falling off the bed was funny
Y/N: yes it was
*he hovers over you*
Edwin: I could do the same to but that means imma hurt my baby
*he kisses you*
Y/N: which one?
Edwin: the one in your belly
*he kisses your belly*
Y/N: then what am I?
Edwin: mi amor
Y/N: oh yeah?
*he gives you a kiss*
Edwin: yeah

We passionately kissed but was interrupted by Zion coming in the room yelling at us to stop and get ready. We laughed and got up.

A few minutes later.

I did a quick shower and did a quick change since Zion kept rushing us to hurry. After a while, I was about to do my makeup until Zion once again screamed that the Uber was here.

Y/N: this man is gonna kill me durning this trip
Edwin: trip to be with him on tour
Y/N: yeah no I'm not gonna be looking forward to it
*you both giggled as Madison walks in*
Madison: y'all hurry up before I kill Z
Y/N: we're going

A few hours later.

We arrived in Miami and we were greeted by a man in a suit with a sign "PRETTYMUCH". We all looked at Zion and he just started walking towards him. As we were about to head outside, the boys were stopped by their fans. Madison and I continued walking to the car and left them behind.

Madison: so what are your thought on this trip?
Y/N: if Zion gets annoying I'm taking the first flight home
Madison: girl me too
*you both laughed*
Y/N: uhm there's one more thing I need to tell you
Madison: what's up?
Y/N: I'm pregnant
Madison: what?
Y/N: Edwin and I are expecting our first child
*she screams & hugs you*
Madison: congrats I'm so happy for you
Y/N: thank you

A few minutes later.

Madison and I took a small nap while we were waiting for the guys to come. After a while, we heard the doors open. We both sat up and looked at them.

Zion: finally in Miami!
Y/N: Z stop screaming for once
Zion: I'm sorry I love being in Miami
Y/N: why? Because there's girls that aren't gonna want to be with you
Zion: you're just mad you won't be getting any Miami men
Y/N: why would I want one when I got my Bronx man right here?
*you gave Edwin a kiss*
Zion: yeah yeah none of that during this trip you already destroyed this trip with your baby
*Brandon slaps him*
Brandon: bro she said not to say anything
Y/N: it's okay she knows now
*you & Mads giggled*
Y/N: now let's go to the hotel so I can sleep

Next Morning.

We really didn't do much yesterday. We just did a grocery shopping and Zion did a planning board and told us what we're doing this week and next week. You guys really don't want to know what he has planned but just know sleep was not on the board.

I woke up early to make them breakfast. I'm still scared and worried about what Michael has planned. I just ignored it and focus on this moment right here. I started to take the ingredients out and started to make breakfast.

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