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Arriving at the ICU room, Claire and Doctor Alden were seen lying asleep with their left leg and right arm swollen.

Doctors Alvin and Doctor Vivian have been seen wearing PPE clothes and an IV in the same shape as Dweller which is attached to the arm.

"This infusion serves to suppress the growth of the virus. You should also put this infusion on immediately."

The nurses immediately put the IV on Alice.

Doctor Alvin said to Alice that, "I believe this seems to be a side effect of Antivirus T."

"All antiviruses must be checked for a maximum of 5 years. Just like cancer.

Because we don't know how long a person's antibodies can last."

"Dr. Vivian and I will look for an antiviral as soon as possible for this disease."

Alice nodded, then she immediately went into the main monitor room.

"Hey Alice!" "Hey Alice!"

"Hey Lix, Liz."

"SWELLING MONSTER, as we call these creatures."

said Doctor Felix and was accompanied by Doctor Felicia, as Doctor Alvin's assistant.

They are both twins.

On the monitor it can be seen that this giant creature is getting bigger and bigger. they smell each other's presence and eat each other where this virus changes what it eats immediately enters and accumulates in the body and rapidly replicates itself so that the body is large due to inflammation.

"What should we do?" she asked.

"Our supply of this virus suppressing drug has a time limit. However, we can certainly produce it for all of our members. So, for the time being we can be safe before an antiviral for this disease is discovered."


Radar shows an object moving closer to them.

It turned out that this giant creature only had one left and started moving towards the GARDA.

"Why do they seem to know we're here?" asked Doctor Felicia.

"Smell. Their smell is very sharp." Alice replied.

"We must destroy that creature immediately, before it destroys the entire GARDA."

"Okay, Dweller. Immediately destroy it." Alice's orders.

The fighter planes were launched, then they dropped bombs on the giant creature's head.


The giant creature's body shattered into pieces.

"Done!" Doctor Felix said.

Doctor Felix saw that Alice continued to look at the monitor with a sharp gaze.

"What's wrong Alice? Don't take life too seriously." Doctor Felix said.

Alice pointed back at the monitor.

The pieces of the shattered body and the blood splatter spread out, looking like they were melting together. The larger pieces move to eat the smaller pieces.

"They're still alive!" shouted Doctor Felicia.

Not only did they eat each other, they also began to eat living organisms, such as plants and trees, thus, the pieces grew and grew much larger than their previous size.

Because of its nature that does not stop eating, eventually not only organisms, but rocks, iron metal, to motorcycles, cars, lamp posts to buildings, all merged into one in his body.

They were all silent.

"Just now it was just a small nightmare. And this is a real nightmare." Alice said.

RESIDENT WORST NIGHTMARE : ALV-VIRUS (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now