Chapter 2: A New Beginning

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Noah and Lucas walk up to me looking at me just staring like they wanted to beat me up.

"So you're the one my girl keeps talking about huh, Aaron Frost am i right that's your name right?" Lucas said to me

I look Lucas dead into the eyes then look at Noah then back at Lucas "yhea i am why? Does your quote in quote girl like me while dating you, ha i guess I'm better looking than you i guess"

Aaron is a good-looking guy he has beautiful hazel eyes and neat
messy hair he has an amazing body. Aaron plays sports like baseball and soccer, and almost all the girls in his grade had a huge crush on him but Aaron never liked any of them, the girls that asked him out he'd reject them on the spot like he had eyes on someone else.

"So you think you're funny huh you think you're stronger than us... you never got in a fight have you well congrats this will be your first fight" Lucas said to me in my face.

Lucas goes to swing at my face but I doge and for a minute I forgot Noah was behind me which was a bad mistake cause he turns me around and punches me in the face making me fall next to a giant oak tree. Lucas and Noah punch and kick me while im on the ground i couldn't get up i couldn't do anything, and it was in that minute Lucas kicked me in the stomach that i just wanted to get up and beat the crap out of him but instead, something else happened it was like i was controlling the wind because a giant burst of wind comes out of my body knocking over the giant oak tree i was next to, Lucas and Noah go flying towards a metal fence knocking them out the concrete sidewalk was indented were i was. I get up afraid, and in pain, I see Lucas and Noah next to the metal fence they flew into and I have seen blood coming from their head unconscious. I see the giant oak tree fallen over by force next to me. After that, I just got out of the streets and ran home.

I was home and running into my house my mom wasn't home because she was on a business trip and I'm an only child so i ran upstairs afraid wiping tears off my face then it hit me that I'm that boy from the prophecy i used my abilities to defend my self that how i discovered my powers. I hear a dinging sound coming from my phone and see that i got a text from one of my friends Jayden saying "hey look at the news some crazy stuff went down near school on your route home" i walk over to my tv turning it onto the news.

"Looking here into Atlanta on Oak street there was a report of a massive wind spike knocking over a giant oak tree and injuring two high school kids named Lucas and Noah and major damage to the sidewalk... oh and i guess there's some video footage of it all going down... i guess the two kids were beating up another kid in a blue hoodie and boom the oak tree goes down and the two kids flying into a metal fence and there's that kid a guy he looks scared and hurt... and he's running away"

I turn off my tv and out of nowhere i got a text from more friends one from a friend named Ashton, Neveah, Preston, and Jayden

"Hey the prophecy Mrs.birch was talking about is about you omg i didn't know you were a mutant, but you're always going to be my friend. P.s. i knew it was you on the news because you're the only one that walks on Oak street and your blue hoodie" Ashton's text said.

"Hey I saw you on the news, the blue hoodie you have is a dead give away it was you, and you're the only one that walks home on Oak street," Neveah's text said.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that you were the one that made the attack, but it was for defense, and if I had powers I would do the same thing. P.S. I'm making a group chat so be prepared for the message." Jayden's text said.

"Hey, Aaron, I saw the news because my parents forced me and no matter what I'm with you, I'll help you go through this hard time." Preston's text said

I didn't respond to any of the messages because I was too scared and I didn't want to talk to anyone. At that time I was just scared of myself. I didn't want to think one bit that I was a... a mutant. I hear another ding from my phone it was the group chat Jayden was making the text said " hey guys it's me Jayden and Aaron, Neveah, Ashton, Preston i don't care were skipping school tomorrow we will all meet up at the skatepark, Preston if your parents won't kill you come. over to my house tm all of you and we'll walk over there i live close to the skate park anyways"

Morning comes and I hear my alarm clock going off. I get out of bed to turn it off. I got up, took a shower, and got ready to go to Jayden's place. I walked down the stairs and when I was about to head out of the house I saw a box my mom hid from me and I wondered why it was on the table. I guess I didn't see it yesterday when I came in from school. I looked over onto the box and it had a note.

"Dear Aaron,

I know I hid this box from you until now but I was supposed to give you this box for your 16 birthday. Your father gave you this box. He made it for you when you were 3 years old, he told me to give it to you on your 16th birthday. So happy early birthday Aaron"

I read the note with a tear falling from my face. I opened the box to see a picture of my dad and I. In the picture I see my dad hugging me, 5 year old me. I started crying, holding the photo in my arms and hugging it. My father was shot to death in a case, he was a detective. I was only 5, almost turning 6 when he died. Ever since that day our family hasn't been the same.

"Hey Aaron are you coming"

I turn around to see Neveah and Preston standing behind the door. I closed the box and headed outside to walk with Nevaeh and Preston to Jayden's house.

"Are you crying?!" Preston asked me.

"What no, im... im not crying," i said wiping a tear off my face.

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