Chapter Four

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The movie he recommended was a porno. I wonder if he secretly knew because he claimed he didn't remember what it was about.

He said it might have been a horror movie, but I could strongly disagree and say it was just a raunchy movie. A very raunchy movie.

There was one male lead as opposed to five female leads with massive tits. I didn't watch it. I couldn't get past the first scene, and I'm pretty sure I screamed and slammed my laptop shut.

I wonder what he would say if he knew what it was about. I would never bring it up again and hoped he never asked me if I watched it because I wouldn't know how to answer him. I'd just blush and run in the other direction.

Damien and I have been very busy prepping for the new Ace Hotel that he's been working on opening in Rome, and we haven't had time for anything else but work.

I was thankful that he was keeping me busy and that his mind was only centered around his hotels and business because it left no time or space for him to ask me anything.

Damien's a handsome man, and it wasn't because he was well-known or wealthy. It was how he carried himself. Seeing a man know what he wants in this world and not let anything stand his way as he took what was he was hot.

A successful man was hot as fuck, and Damien had me melting in constant puddles as he took charge in meetings or heard him shout and curse over the phone.

"Ms. Evans." His deep voice came through my work phone. "Bring the files I gave you last night to review and come into my office, please."

Then he hung up, and the sound of his office door beeped open. I gathered the files and looked in the little mirror on my desk to ensure there wasn't anything in my teeth and fixed my bangs before heading inside.

He was sitting in his chair with his reading glasses in a grey suit with a white button-up shirt, and I swallowed. His reading glasses made him seem even more attractive, and I wonder if he knew this.

I wonder if he knew how hot and handsome he was and how he made me feel. He was the only man that I would ever let touch me after all the shit I went through in my life with my shitty mother, absent father, and my bastard ex-boyfriend.

Shaking my head so I didn't think of them too much, I cleared my throat and stepped over to where he was.

"Here you go."

He grabbed the file without looking at me and placed it on his desk. He was typing something, and I saw him lean even closer to he could go over what he wrote.

His hand came up and held his jaw, finger, and thumb, caressing his bottom lip as he read it to himself. What I wouldn't give or do to be the one touching his lips like that.

I mentally sighed as I intensely gawked at his lips. They didn't look rough like how you would imagine a man's lips would be, they seemed soft, and it made me wonder how they'd feel touching mine.

"Does this make sense?" He asked, ushering me closer with his hand.

I composed myself and nodded, standing behind him so that I could read it. He smelled like cigars and whiskey, and I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from moaning.

He smelled like how a man should smell like. Lavish, strong, smoky. I scanned the screen before me, ignoring how his eyes were now focused on me as I read it.

I could feel myself sweating, my nipples perking up from how close we were, and I reeled myself back before I did something weird like lick his face or tell him I wanted him to kiss me.

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