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"You're kidding." She deadpanned, cocking her hip as she gave me a stern, almost reprimanding look. "I thought we had an agreement. No gifts over a billion dollars."

I shrugged my shoulders carelessly. "I changed my mind."

"Damien, I got you a watch and you went and got me a fucking boat."

She pointed to the yacht I bought for our three-year anniversary. I didn't want to correct her and tell her that it was technically called a yacht, more specifically a superyacht.

"I love the watch. Thank you." I kissed her stubborn cheek.

"No, that's not fair. Return it."

"Are you telling me what to do?"

"Yes, I am. I'm not accepting your ridiculous gift. We agreed on a gift price for each other. I look like an idiot buying you a watch."

I reached for her hand before she could take a step away from the dock and reeled her flush to my chest.

I cradled her face in the palm of my hand before dipping down and stealing those pouty lips for an intense kiss.

She gasped against my lips but soon enough Mila melted into my arms and into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck and got on her tippy toes to kiss me back.

"Either you get on the boat or Daddy will carry you over his shoulder," I murmured against her lips. I could feel her smiling against my lips and I pulled away.

"That doesn't sound as threatening as you think it does."

"You wanna cum tonight when I'm buried deep in that cunt or not?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

She opened her mouth to argue but then gave me a sexy pout in defeat. "Yes,"

"Then you get your ass on that boat and thank Daddy like a good girl."

"Thank you, Daddy." She sighed, giving in.


I held her hand as I guided her onto the boat. I had a few men working on the boat and they all nodded their heads at me and Mila, as I gave her a tour.

The yacht wasn't as expensive as she claimed. It didn't cost me a billion dollars. I mean I could buy one for a billion dollars if I wanted to, but this one would do just fine for us.

"It's called Northern Sun," I explained. "Its correct name is a superyacht, not a boat, but it's the same thing. It has four decks, a master room, and a few other rooms if we have guests and two rooms for the crew."

I walked her around and showed her the main deck, which was just for entertainment, the dining area, and the lights of the yacht lit up as the sun began to slowly go down.

I gave them a cue to start the yacht and Mila stayed on the deck, her eyes on the waves crashing, and I could see her closing her eyes as she took it all in.

I hugged her from behind, crushing her to my chest, as I held her in my arms. I kissed the side of her head, allowing my lips to linger there for a few seconds.

"Are you happy?"

"I'm always happy when I'm with you."

She lifted her chin, and I kissed the top of her head.
We enjoyed dinner on the deck and drank champagne as we talked and laughed.

It was insane to think we'd been together for three years. Mila and I have never been happier together.

We traveled everywhere together creating memories together as a carefree couple without a care in the world. No one's opinions or words mattered when we were together.

As long as we were happy with each other, the world could burn to the ground for all we care. Mila's relationship with her father got better over time and he introduced her to his family after the first six months.

We did this thing where we had each other for holidays or for Sunday dinners. It became this little tradition, and it was beautiful seeing Mila have a little piece of family.

She deserved it. Elijah and Dex were engaged and we're getting married in a few months. My mother and Savannah visited as much as they could and when they couldn't Mila and I flew out to see them.

It was this perfect balance of love, family, and joy. I never thought Mila and I would ever be together because of my age. I never in my life would have thought Mila would see me romantically.

Now that we were together, now that I got to experience Mila's love, I never wanted it to end, and I never wanted to let her go. She made me happy. Seeing her happy made me happy.

After sharing dessert together, I walked her out to the front deck. I should have felt anxious right now because the ring in my pocket felt too heavy sitting there, but I've been planning this moment for months.

I somehow felt at ease as I guided her to the center of the deck. The stars lit up the sky and I counted down in my head.

Three. Two. One.

Fireworks lit up the sky and she squealed, her eyes lighting up at the colors bursting in the sky. Then slowly, the fireworks became words to form a sentence-no a question.

Will you marry me?

Her eyes grew wide, and I saw her hand fly over her mouth as I got down on my knees in front of her. I pulled out the velvet box and opened it.

She gasped loudly and I could see tears brimming in those beautiful eyes and my heart fucking melted.

"Mila." I started, reaching for her hand.

"Yes!" She shouted.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Baby girl, I've been practicing my speech for months. Let Daddy finish."

She nodded her head and I saw her wipe at her tears with her free hand.

"Mila, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You make me the happiest man on Earth. I love you and I can't imagine not being engaged to you for another second. You're the only woman for me, now, today, and forever."

"I want to wake up to that beautiful face every morning and sleep with you close in my arms every night. I want to kiss you forever, hold you forever, and fuck you forever. It's always been you. Always, baby girl. Be my wife?"

"Yes! Yes!" She cried and I slipped the ring on her finger. She kept crying as I got off the floor and then she was jumping in my arms and kissing all over my face. "I love you, too."

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