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- C h a p t e r T w o -
Ready to risk it all, just to catch Ratan Sa.


Straight after Ratan had disappeared from his palace in Rajasthan, the family, Diya and the security team were worried and distressed. They didn't know what went wrong, they couldn't conclude any assumptions on regarding what had happened as Ratan left a note behind saying, 'I do not wish to live this life anymore. I'm leaving. Don't look for me.' As worrying as it sounds, Diya was sure Ratan wasn't the type to take his life, so this could possibly mean he had run away from his responsibilities and this place.

Diya couldn't sit hand in hand after making a promise to his deceased father, she and the security team managed to find Ratan's social media page on Instagram and Facebook. Due to the Instagram being private, his public Facebook account led to clues and led to becoming familiar with the people he was friends with. Catching their eyes through the pictures Ratan had posted, Dhruv Raheja seemed like a close best friend of Ratan.

Wasting no further time, Diya and the security team travelled to Delhi. Popular club that Ratan used to visit, which they noticed through his photos, had really helped them capture Dhruv Raheja as soon as they entered. Drunk and creating a scene, he was bound to catch their attention.

"You don't know who I am! I am Dhruv, Dhruv Raheja! My father is the famous industrialist, Dilip Raheja. I will sue you if you touch me!" He threatened the security guards trying to drag him out of the pub.

Taking that as a chance, Diya rushed there and pretended to be close to him. "Dhruv, you're drunk again. . ." She trailed off with a sigh and took him, he was confused as he flapped his eyes at her. "Who are. . ."

"I'll take him from here, thank you." The security guards nodded, not caring even if she was a stranger kidnapping him as they hated his attitude and his personality.

Diya managed to take Dhruv out with the help of Armaan and Dev, the two teammates that had accompanied her in this quest.

Few hours later, Dhruv opened his eyes and was semi drunk, "who the hell are you and what. . ." He realised he was tied onto the chair with the rope, "what the hell!" He exclaimed and Diya stood in front of him.

"So, tell me where Ratan Sa is." She directly asked him and he creased his forehead, "Ratan Sa? Who's that?"

"Ratan, your friend." Armaan clarified and Dhruv looked at him. "I don't know where he is, why are you asking me? We haven't been in touch since last month after we had a fight!"

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying. I don't give a shit about where he is or what he's doing! But why have you kidnapped me? Do you not know who I am! I will sue you!" He was fiercely shouting at Diya and the two men behind her, gritting his teeth.

Diya slapped him across the face as hard as he could, knocking him into senses, feeling the intense pain on his cheek he swallows his spit. "W. . . What the hell?"

"Unlock your phone." She uttered and he shook his head negatively, but she held onto his face and put the phone in front of him, managing to unlock his latest iPhone 13 pro max.

"You can't do this! It's illegal."

Ignoring him totally Diya turned away from him and searched for Ratan's contact details on Dhruv's phone, managing to find it. She then looked at Armaan. "I found his number, track him."

Armaan nodded his head, taking the phone from Diya's hand and Diya turned around again, facing Dhruv.

"After we find Ratan Sa you can leave."
She then signalled Dev and he nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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