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- C h a p t e r  O n e  - 
Grabbed his hand, but. . . Not for a handshake!


Sanjeevani Hospital.
Rushing inside the renowned famous hospital of the city, she stopped by the reception desk, immediately seeking for attention. "Excuse me, do you know where the emergency room is?"

"You're in the wrong exit, it's towards the back. If you could exit and turn right, then continue walking down, you'll find a sign and that'll lead you to it." The receptionist politely uttered, directing her with words so she could find the destination.

"Thank you." She replied and headed towards the exit again, rolling her eyes straight after turning away from the receptionist. 'They should've mentioned that in the entrance, it wasted my time for no reason' she thought to herself and increased her pace.

Before realising, she had clashed into another body that was in a rush, running in between. Both of them fell onto the floor.

"Ahh." She hissed and lifted her head, turning to the side in frustration. Her anger slightly calmed as she noticed he was wearing the doctor gown and sighed, helping herself up. He must've been in a rush, after all he is a doctor who is needed nearly all the time.

She dusted her clothes and he forwarded his hand in front of her, "help me up please." She creased her eyebrows confusingly and rolled her eyes, holding his hand and helping him up.

"You should've been looking where you were going. . ." He trailed off and then dusted his clothes, "but then again, you must've been awestruck by my beauty, right? That's why you bumped into me." She stared at him in utter confusion and he continued with a smile, "I don't blame you, I am visually appealing. By the way, I'm Doctor Veer." He forwarded his hand again for a handshake and she passed him a look, walking straight past him.

His smile faded and he turned around, watching her exit the building. "How rude! How can she ignore such a handsome guy like me. . ." He was genuinely offended that she had ignored his handshake and had chosen to walk away rather than giving him the attention he wanted.

"Doctor Veer, you're needed in the emergency room." A nurse rushed towards him, letting him know and he nodded his head. "Okay, I'm coming." He nodded at her and she rushed first, he stared outside the door and found that the girl he met earlier was stopped and surrounded by a bunch of men. "Is she in trouble?" He wondered to himself and started walking forward out of curiosity.

"It's good to see a little chick like you wearing the traditional clothing in this modern world. You look sexy."

She grit her teeth hearing his weird comment and clenched her fist, ready to throw her hand.

"What happened? Why is a beauty like you getting angry, you're making me tempted." Another man spoke and she took a step forward but stopped as she felt someone hold her hand, she turned around, startled by this sudden touch and saw Doctor Veer holding her hand. 

"Let me handle this. . ." He made her stand behind him and faced the men, passing them a glare. "I agree she's beautiful but you can't harass her like this!"

She passed him a look as he continued speaking. "Definitely not in front of me. I'm more prettier so why don't you harass me?" This was a shock towards the men, who passed him a look, absolutely weirded out by his words.

"I have the right to be harassed. So harass me, how can you disrespect my beauty like this?"

"Aye! Are you crazy? What the hell are you saying?" One of the man from the troop questioned him, staring at him from toe to head, passing him a disgusted glance.

DiyaxVeer ~ Something In Your EyesWhere stories live. Discover now