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i walked into school. it was so loud you couldn t even hear your own thoughts. there were so many smells,so many different laughs and voices. different music and the chaos was driving me mad.
-,,luna!'' i hear the sharp voice of a girl yell from behind. i turned around facing gwen. i smile.
g-,,hi'' she greets
l-,,hello gwen! how are you?''
g-,,eghhh id like to say im doing great but im not actually'' she mumbles as we walk,making our way to finney's locker.
l-,,and...why is that so? you good?'' i ask confused
g-,,no. i ve got math first period'' you could tell she wanted to laugh at my reaction
l-,,oh my god!'' i exclaim ,,you genuinely scared me''
gwen lets out a loud laugh,followed by mine.
g-,,what??!! im saddd'' she says,dragging the d
we get to finney's locker just to see he was not there, but a boy with long hair, a bandana, brown eyes and a necklace around his neck. he looked at us up and down in silence with an attitude of superiority.
g-,,hi robin''
so his name is robin. to be fair, i dont know him. i mean i just found out what his name is but he pissed me off so much. he s the type of person you meet and get instant bad vibes from.
r-,,you've seen finney?''
g-,,uhm i dont think so? not since we got to school''
he turns his head in my direction,giving me a dirty look. damn,i cant stand this kid.
r-,,then im guessing those mother fuckers are messing with him again'' he says almost whispering, like he only said it for himself looong back at gwenny.
r-,,i'll see you around'' he says before leaving in a hurry,heading to the boys bathroom.
me and gwen didnt say anything at all. just sat there in silence until i obviously broke it,having to ask who robin is.
l-,,who is he and why does he look like a cowboy?''
she chuckles
g-,,robin. he is like....the thoughest guys in school,i cam say?'' she then pauses before saying anything else. ,,well at least since vance died''
my heart dropped. not beacause i was vance's friend or any sort of thing but beacause i remembered the grabber is still around. the grabber is a kidnapper. he took away lots of boys from our school,including bruce yamada,a baseball player and vance ,,pinball'' hopper. bruce was my friend. more like my brother. i dont have many friends since i came here last year and im not the social type of person but we had a platonic connection. i miss him so much. we kind of did everything together. we went to school, we came back,we cooked,we danced, we biked, we even had sleepovers. of course he slept on the ground but every minute i spent with him was fun. every one of them is now a core memory of mine. my heart shattered into pieces when my mom came into my room, messy mascara,puffy eyes, telling me he just disappeared with no trace. ever since then i ve been really,really scared of the grabber even tho deep down, i hoped he will take me too so i can maybe find bruce. and if it wasn t for me to find him,i felt like i deserved to feel the same pain bruce felt when he got kidnapped. as the time passed i healed but a part of me still misses bruce and its normal. he was my best friend. as about vance,we were not really close. we had some classes together and chatted a few times but we couldn t be named friends.
i snap out.
g-,,i was literally talking to you when you blured out''
l-,,im so sorry. really. i was just thinking''
i remained silent
g-,,bruce.isn t that right?''
l-,,well no shit'' i said, trying to light up the atmosphere.
l-,,anyways, we should head to our classes. i really want so sleep on the desk''
we laugh again. when i was with gwen,we laughed all the time.
g-,,yeah...you are right. i don t want my math teacher yelling at me...again.''
g-,,bye bye luna'' she waves,blowing me a kiss
l-,,bye gwenny'' i say blowing her one too as i headed for my class

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