let's play cowboys

240 4 7

Content warnings! If the following things gross you out/make you uncomfortable, maybe don't read this!

There are guns in this story. They're mentioned fairly often, and while I don't go into much detail, they are used a couple times. There is a gun-caused death. (it's not N btw)

Brief occurance of domestic violence cuz y'know ghetsis

There is a make-out scene, but it's pretty short and easy to skim past cuz my asexual ass hates make-out scenes that go on for an unnecessarily long time

Slight bondage mention but it's not kinky AT ALL

The Plasma Gang had been stirring up trouble up in the eastern desert, and as the Castelia Police Department's best sheriff, you'd been tasked to catch them.

The Plasma Gang are the worst of the worst. They're a gang of hardened bandits, ruffians and criminals, notorious all over this side of Unova. Robberies, arson, murders, you name it.

And somehow they're even better at escaping than they are at crime, which is to say, pretty good. Not one of their thugs have been captured.

Which makes your success extra special, but also extra weird. Because sitting at the table in front of you back at the station, wrists confined with a knot you tied, is none other than the leader's son.

The riff-raff that had been reported was long gone by the time you showed up, but you'd found him poking around like a tumbleweed.

He blows a strand of green hair out of his face. "This is so embarrassing."

You slam your fist down on the table, startling him. "I do the talking here, Harmonia."

"Ooh, being formal here, aren't we, Sheriff?"

You glare at him as he leans back and puts his feet up on the table. "In case you couldn't tell, this is an interrogation. I ask, and you answer, and that's the only time you speak. Am I clear?"

He swings his legs back down and places his bound wrists on the table. "Crystal."

You cross your arms and pace back and forth, keeping an eye on him. He's the heir to the Plasma Gang, so you'd better be alert for any kind of tricks he could pull. "Here's the deal. You're going to tell me where the Plasma Gang is headed and what their plan is, and you're going to lead me to them."

Harmonia bites his lip. "Ehh, I dunno, Sheriff. I mean, I can tell you what they're up to, but I'm not too keen to lead you to 'em."

"And why's that? Afraid they'll get mad at you for ratting them out?"

He nods. "Correct! You're pretty sharp. I don't feel like getting shot that badly soooo..." He leans back in his seat again.

"At this rate, you're gettin' shot either way, so pick whose gun."

Harmonia narrows his eyes, lightly bouncing a leg in his chair. He's quiet for several minutes. "Dad's gun it is."

You raise an eyebrow. "You don't want me to shoot you?"

"Nah, you're too pretty."

You heavily debate shooting him right then and there. "Alright, Harmonia. What's the Plasma Gang up to?"

Harmonia looks serious for once. "In about two days, they're plannin' on meetin' up at the Nimbasa Train Station. They're gonna rob some gold off the train and dash off into the sunset like they always do."

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