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WHEN FRIDAY ARRIVED, I FELT fatigued and rather drained. There were only three lectures on my agenda today which meant it would be relatively short — thank fuck.

I watched my students strut into class, dropping their papers on my desk in the black tray labelled assignments. One by one they filled the lecture hall, taking their seats while sharing nervous glances with each other.

They feared me, which is exactly what I wanted. I didn't want anyone taking chances in my class.

The young woman who muttered utter nonsense under her breath on my first day hadn't handed anything in yet and tried to sneakily pass me.

I focused on my laptop screen, which must've given her the impression that I hadn't noticed her stunt but I did. If there's one thing I despised, it would be young adults. They annoyed me but there was something about her that intrigued me.

Yes she pissed me off but I was curious, wanting to see what else she'd do or say when being pushed to her limits.

The thought left my mind as quickly as it came and I cringed at myself, wondering why I was suddenly fascinated by a student. She was absolutely stunning, smooth caramel skin — that constantly glistened underneath the fluorescent lights.

Curly hair, that looked so soft. I wondered what it would feel like underneath my fingertips as I raked my hands through the dark brown strands. She was also extremely short but judging by the way she carried herself, she seemed like a feisty one.

The combination seemed comical. I typed on my laptop, creating a daily planner of the curriculum for the first semester.

Having checked everybody's scores for last year, everyone was more than adequate. I flicked my wrist, noticing that there was only five minutes left before nine o clock.

All the seats were filled which meant everybody was here. I grabbed the list of names and the stack of assignments, slowly going through them while ticking next to each students name.

Everybody handed in their essays, all except one individual.

Aaliyah Hayes.

I scanned the last row and our eyes locked, only this time she didn't maintain eye contact and quickly looked down. Guilty.

She grabbed a pen on her desk and began writing, a clear indication that she hadn't completed my assignment. She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth and the action had my body temperature increasing.

What the fuck was happening to me?

I felt like a teenage boy who just discovered the touch of her woman. The whole situation infuriated me, making my body buzz with anger. I rose from my seat and slowly glanced around the room.

"Did everybody hand in their assignments?" My voice echoed and everybody responded with 'yes professor'. My actions were subtle but I kept my gaze fixated on Aaliyah. She hadn't answered and seemed to be frozen in place.

"Excellent." I said, sounding almost robotic. "Let's start with today's topic, symbolic interactionism." The young woman, still hadn't looked up and it irked me. "Pens down if you're currently writing."

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now