Carla Morton

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I used the last check to fix Stephen's car up. So when the electricity went out for non payment of bills. I wasn't surprised when suddenly I hear something making noise but couldn't figure out what the noise was or where it was coming from. I also couldn't walk around in the house it was too dark to get around safely. The electricity was back on in 24 hours and we could find our way. The water bill was paid, the store delivered fresh groceries, which Anastasia cleaned the freezer and the refrigerator out and cleaned before she placed the new groceries inside it. She cleaned up the house before she headed to school. I tried to get cash out of Ray and my joint account finding out that he had closed it out entirely. It had a three hundred dollar negative balance so he had to put the three hundred dollars in it to close it out. I asked if Ray had another account and they said they aren't at liberty to say.
I am livid about the fact Carla went through all the ten thousand dollars I put in our account to keep the bills paid and the school expenses paid. Nothing was paid and I had to arrange for the lights to be turned on, groceries delivered, trash to be picked up, water to be turned on, school tuition and lunch fees to be paid for the year, school books to be bought and Anastasia's school clothing to be paid off. Luckily people knew I was good for the money. I wished I had just divorced that slut and got custody of Anastasia after she was born by c section due to STD. I made one lousy drunken choice to have sex with her and the condom broke. I caught and STD and she got pregnant. I married her, but I didn't touch her after the STD. I was active duty so I was going in assignments regularly. I hired a nanny to care for Anastasia. But she quit after Anastasia was two years old and I kept trying to get others to come in and work they came and left after two days. They told me about the men coming in and out at all hours of the night. I finally had to trust that Anastasia would use the phone I gave her when I was there on leave at Christmas time. She called when she had no electricity. I checked all the bills and cleared everything up.
Everything was cleared up again after I called dad and it stayed that way and would. Mom was grumbling and Stephen Morton was mad and cursing about not having any money to go out with. I had started locking my door and it failed to keep Stephen from coming into my room. Ray decided that I needed self defense classes and put me in them at the age of six with a close friend of his. My gun training started the same time I learned how to shoot everyone of my dads guns and kept a loaded gun in my room where it couldn't be found unless you knew where to find it. Dad had safe rooms put in the house he owned long before he met Carla. He was the only heir to the Steele fortune. Stephen was coming into my room and bothering me and could get into my room any time he wanted to. When he started coming in when Carla was at work and in the middle of the night. I bought a dead bolt lock and an alarm to alert me to the door being pushed forward. It would go off if the beam was broken even the slightest. The last night he was here mom was at work and he came up behind me and tried groping my breast. I turned in a quick motion kicked him in the balls and he went down and I kept kicking him in the balls over and over again while wearing my school boots. He grabbed the foot kicking at him and I grabbed a cast iron skillet and hit him in the head. I ran to my room and locked the door and turned the alarm on got the gun and hid in the safe room. He tried the door which triggered the alarm until he stopped jiggling the door. I heard yelling and door slamming and the alarm going off again and mom telling me to come out and apologize to Stephen for hitting him. I doubt he told her the truth of what had happened. But she never cared what the other men were trying with me, but a swift kick to the nuts stopped them from coming near me again. But not Stephen. But he left and Carla actually left with him.
If she can beat the hell out of Morton at ten then she is able to take care of herself. So I leave with him and take my clothes and sell my wedding rings for money to get gas and food on the trip to Texas. We work our way down there. Me mostly.
Carla's brat kick my ass after my trying to check her breast out. She was so fast I didn't know what hit me. I did finally stop her from kicking my crotch area that was already throbbing in pain, but I failed to see the cast iron skilled she used to knock me out with. She got to her room before I could catch her and I could get inside because she has a dead boat on it and now an alarm that is piercing my ear drums. I decide to stop and go down stairs where I tell Carla that Anastasia kick me in the balls and hit me with a cast iron skillet after a mild misunderstanding between us. I tell Carla I can't deal with her kid any more and leave. She packs her things and I suggest she get things to sell so we can get gas and food to get to Texas.
I suddenly have a strong need to call Anastasia and see if she is alright. At ten and very small I worry about her. Especially with Carla and her inability to keep her legs closed, some guys could think that they can have a mother daughter combo. Or they might just want Anastasia and pretending to like Carla so they can get Anastasia.

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