The Gathering

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Dad has arrived bringing a huge number of people who will need to be here. We have them led into the room we hold press conferences. My attorneys are present and we have documentation that exonerates them if they choose to talk to Eamon who is here with us. He and his attorneys are here. But only to get the names of potential witnesses only. We can't be involved in the collecting of witness testimonies against Mia. Some legal ramifications regarding it and when the attorneys and dad started telling me I decedent to let them handle this and my attorney get rid of anything that keeps people from being able to talk about Mia and her tyranny. Ashley Paulson who used to going under the name Kellen McNamara. I get to her first and my attorneys handle things with her pretty quickly and then Eamon and his attorney take her into the small soundproof room and she is given a card and she waves good bye and she is out the door. I get them to move quickly through the ridding them of the NDA's and we are done. I have security see to it everyone leaves the building after they have talked to the attorney's. Bathroom room breaks stay in the restroom inside the one in here. No one leaves the room until they are done talking to everyone involved in this matter. So Taylor and I have more security arrive and guard the exits to the room.
They might not want to talk even after they can.
I agree but they now have the ability to talk. But have people make sure there are no threats to blackmail Mia. She doesn't have any money to pay them. We are still supporting her at this point. But she only gets as little as can get away with and no more. I leave dad and Eamon along with my attorneys to handle it with the utmost care. Whether I love Mia or not I can't protect her from being imprisoned for her actions. We know that some won't want to incriminate themselves at all. Samantha and Anastasia told me about their list Mia refused to make amends. Several refused to make amends. Their list were just the ones at the birthday party. Kate is lucky Anastasia had her security with her and realized what was going in very quickly. I have no doubt that the guys will change their tunes when they know they were going to take the fall like the rest of them. I found out Ethan refused to get on my jet with Mia, Kate and the rest of the fools that damaged my jet. The alcohol was removed from the jet after they realized the ages of the passengers, but they failed to take into consideration about them drinking before they came aboard to return home along with the alcohol they brought on my jet.
I knew this was going to be an all day process and I am glad Christian left because even I am shocked at what Mia has been up to. We will never know our first grandchild, she went out of state and gave birth and we thought she was at the friends house all that time. I found out things that she played off as someone else doing things. She told us that her friend was needing her and was pregnant and the friend's father assured us Mia would be fine. I am starting to think she had Howard call us from another number to assure us Mia was safe and sound.
This Mia is not someone I would have allowed Kate around. I am just glad that she wasn't hurt badly by Mia. Ethan has a lot to say as well. The friends were both male and female and the ones who didn't do as asked were hurt in some way be it physically or emotionally or their reputations. Ethan was the smart one and stayed far away from them, but he also listened to make sure nothing serious happened to Mia's followers thanks to Mia. After 200 plus people we have enough to take to the prosecutors office and we tell Carrick and Christian's attorneys we are doing just that we have notarized sworn statements in hand.

I call Grace and tell her to come to Christian's for a meeting. When I arrive Anastasia Steele is sitting next to Christian looking very cozy. Her I like, she has been through hell and back and still took on six men to defend others. She never liked Mia and she didn't like Kate but her security knowing that helped rescue Kate along with Anastasia and her sister Samantha. Plus we found out about Howard. I thought Steele Securities was a stockbroker, boy was I wrong. It is a company that works keeping people secure and safe. They do it all, including the deep dark webs. Christian said he tried to look him up but it comes back flagged NSA.
Anastasia asks if she should go and I don't want her to. I plan things for later tonight. I kiss her and tell her I need to talk in private to mom and dad and in walks mom. I stand and whisper to Anastasia there are surprises in our bedroom for her, well mostly me.
Anastasia is here and Christian gets up and kisses her and whispers something to her after she says she should go. She heads to his bedroom. It is the inky bedroom down the way she is going. She says goodnight to us and leaves for his bedroom. We go into Christian's office and he has a huge file that Eamon sent to him about Mia's behavior and what her and her friends have been up to and why some friends stopped coming around. I see where she gave up a baby and how she hid her pregnancy from us. But it is the other things she has done that makes me sick to my stomach. Howard has signed his rights away to the current baby she is carrying. Deanna has filed for her divorce and her prenuptial leaves Howard with nothing at all.
We can step in and get custody of the baby after it is born in prison, there is no way she is walking a2ay from all of this without serving substantial time. I am so sorry Grace.

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