Kellen McNamara

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Kellen McNamara
I was trying to find out all I could about Mia Grey and Lily Johnson. I am not sure about what I am even doing here to begin with but Howard told me I should get to know his daughter and her friends. I have a baby by him and he won't leave his wife for me. Then I realize where I saw Mia before, she has been seeing Howard herself and she had an abortion of their children. I refused to abort but look where I am now I am working sixteen hours a week with unwed mothers who have no one and no where to go and some are in the same circumstances I am in with exception of my boyfriend is screwing me and my supposed friend. The more I am around Mia the less I like her and the more I realize Howard is not being honest with any of us. I decide that he can have everyone but me and our twin boys. I finally call Samantha and I ask her if I can talk to her and I want to see about making working for for this place regularly and if I can get a paying job with Steele as well. I will need to come clean about who I truly am though. Ashley Lewis daughter of Snyder Lewis Sr.
I got a surprise visit from Kellen McNamara and her twin sons Snyder and Howard Lewis Johnson. She told me who she really is. I look at her in shock and call mom, dad and Anastasia. This is something we need to have a conversation about. She made it clear to me she was the sister of one of Anastasia's rapist. But what the other thing is that Howard created the fake name for her so she could get closer to Lily and Mia for some reason. But she found out things about both that made her not like either of them. By going and seeing the unwed mothers who have no one and nothing she decided that she could not do the lying anymore and she found out what a cheating asshole Howard really is. She wants to continue working with the unwed mothers and would like to work for them in a paying job if she can. That is one of the reasons I called dad, Mom and Anastasia in on the meeting.
I just found out the truth about Kellen and I wasn't happy about her integrating into our family, but it wasn't really her fault that all this went down the way it did, I blame Howard and his below the belt tiny earthworm. All I can say is he must not be good in the sack if he goes and cheats on his wife and his girlfriends as well. But I keep that to myself. Amber is listening to her and I don't know what she is thinking but I suspect she wants to help this girl get this done, but she also doesn't want her around our girls or me. So she calls someone who can arrange it, but we question her about her agenda and if she is helping her brother and father and she finally tells us That Gordon raped her and he got away with it her brother and father's help. So she hates both of them. Howard met her during the trial after finding her crying as she was leaving the courthouse. I am prone to believe her, but I want to run a background check on her. Howard better never come near my ladies. My wife and my daughters now know what a whore he is. Plus I am sure Amber has steak at home why go out for eggs. Small ones. My girls have more sense than to fall for bull crap from a man.
We can talk to them and maybe help with the funding to put you to work there. They have child care for their workers that work there. Do us proud don't let Howard near any of them.
Ashley AKA Kellen
I have walked away from the friendships I created with Mia and Lily along with the rest of the group. I was pretty upset about the rape comments on Mia's birthday I stayed away from them. I wasn't involved in the sandwich shop event. I don't think that the cops interrogated me this much about my brother and Gordon. I was glad that they didn't get away with it any more. I wanted to cut their private parts off after what Gordon did to me. Snyder gave him permission to do whatever he liked to me. Of course my rape kit disappeared and so did my complaint form. I was getting stopped by cops for no reason at all. They taunted me in school. I got away from them as soon as I could. My grandmother left me a huge trust and I got my diploma and moved to Seattle the next day. I boxed my things up and I placed them in the brand new car I bought and I kissed mom goodbye and told her if she ever left dad and her sons she could move in with me. Snyder jr tried to get my trust fund from me but I stood up to him with my new gun and my carry and conceal license. I took a shot at him and Gordon as I headed to my car. I told them that was just warning shots if they moved any closer to me I wouldn't miss shooting them starting with their balls. I saw the aftermath of the girls they raped regularly. It was depressing knowing no one was stopping them from terrorizing the virgins and raping them over and over again. Gordon's mom left with her daughters when her husband paid off the first rape victim. Shelly took her three young daughters and left him. She divorced him three years later and left him penniless. He couldn't afford an attorney when they dragged him to Seattle to be tried.
I wondered what had happened to Shelly Devlin and her daughters Celia, Aria, and Kalie. Gordon Devlin and his father Stuart Devlin are behind bars with the rest of them. Shelly pulled the plug on him paying hush money anymore. She had no idea he was covering up rapes because she was busy raising her daughters and working her ass off at her company. She sold the company to GEH International for a very nice piece of coin. Ashley knows where she us but she thinks she needs her privacy.
How about we have you Dona three month trial and see if we can get an idea that you are sincere and if you prove to us and the facility we can go from there. Are you okay for a place and money?
Yes my grandmother left me substantially well off for life. She apparently knew I would need it to get away from my father and brother. Sadly she must have had her own issues with them.

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