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We are back in the courthouse waiting for the closing statement when Mia sees us and I see she has seen the wedding bands and engagement ring. She gets up and asks why and how could I marry Anastasia? Then she passes out being pregnant they hurry her to the hospital jail ward.
Mom and dad rush out to go be there when the babies arrive. Mia is having twins by c section and we wait for the sentencing and she us going to be in priding for life. After everything she has done she was lucky it was two lifetimes. I think I hears applause when the three of them got the same sentence. Mia is the only trials I was interested in until I heard a particular name. I was struck dumbfounded when I heard her name. An ex girlfriend Harley Wild you don't forget that name. She committed suicide and now we know why. The Lincoln's got hold of her.
We head out for home finally. Grace calls and tells us we are getting new family members a girl and a boy, so far they haven't tested positive for aids. They will need to be tested regularly. Mia had to take HIV drugs while she was pregnant and the babies will need to continue taking medicine for four to six weeks. Right now she doesn't have active HIV which is a good thing. But anyone that has with the Lincoln's and Mia need to come forward. Both the Lincoln's tested positive as well. Grace and Carrick are taking on the twins today and they will need to have proper care and Grace has hired two of her staff at the hospital to rotate shifts. Mia might make it. But the passing out doesn't speak well for her immune system. I am just glad that the two who raped me didn't give me anything.
We have had the documents ready since we knew about the twins in case she didn't get off and we knew she wouldn't get off the charges. Too many things, too many witnesses and too many recordings. So we now have twin grandchildren and are searching for our first grandchild. Mia won't tell us where the baby is. Howard has tested positive for aids as well. We were just getting home and got a call from the hospital. Mia lost her battles and she died of a blot clot that stopped her heart. They told me that she was a candidate for blood clots and they had concerns about doing the c section, but considering the issues they chose to do it anyway. They tried to save her but she wasn't coming back.
All I ask is that we don't name the girl Mia. We need to make arrangements for her funeral. Sad thing is that she was a good kid at one time. They held the trials for the Lincoln's. They had given Mia the most by the law. We named her son Collin Edward Grey and Emma Lynn Grey. They made it six months and are still positive. We plan to get them tested at the year mark as well. This is sad for all of us. It was a private ceremony in the Grey family plot. We kept it quiet but people found out. The headstone was destroyed three times. Police couldn't locate who did it. So we marked the area and hid the stone from people who would destroy it.
Elliott and Kate set the wedding date. It is amazing that they are getting married. Barney is married to Samantha now they got married after we got back to Seattle. Barney asked for use if the jet to go see the aurora borealis and then on to my private island. It was short notice but they got it together for Barney and Samantha. Gail who is married to Taylor did the work. They actually took their vacation down there as well they just stayed in one of the other houses on the property. Gail is our house manager now. Anastasia said she manages our home so well she gets bored so she promoted her to manage all the caretakers over all our properties. She first gave them vacation time and they agreed on hiring staff to micro manage if Gail is on vacation or ill. I really didn't notice things until I finally noticed that Gail was of child bearing age. I guess the whole idea escaped me until it hit me in the face that multiple women at work are pregnant including Roz and her wife. Gail and Anastasia headed up the GEH International Employee Childcare Centers, she also created the Steele Securities Childcare Centers. Then we created childcare in all my offices around the world and so did the Steele Company.mrs Lewis and Mrs Devlin came forward and donated properties for these places. They started growing by leaps and bounds. Money from several patents was donated.
Anastasia and I had our first child and I just made it, I was flown by helicopter to the roof of the hospital and dropped off literally on the roof and they flew away as I scurried for the elevator door as the helicopter flew off. I tap my foot waiting for the elevator to go to the floor my wife is on about to give birth. I arrived just in time to pull on scrubs and go to the OR to stand by her as she had to have a C-section because our son was in distress. She was alert and they numbed her from the waist down. I watched as they took our baby from her and he wasn't breathing. I kissed her to distract her as they got him breathing again and we heard his little weak cry. They hurried him from the room and Anastasia was closed up and we went to her very private room with security waiting for us. Someone is watching over Christopher Raymond Grey. They finally brought him to see us. He was on oxygen as a precautionary method. They showed us how to hold him. He apparently was stuck under her rib cage and they had to get to him quickly.
We had a big scare and I was afraid we would lose Christopher. We didn't though and he is a great boy. We moved into the home on the sound and had it renovated to what we wanted and needed Jason and Gail had a voice in what they wanted built on the property. Each of the security teams had their own apartments created in the huge barn where the stable was at. We have an indoor and outdoor pool. Both have security codes and key locks to get into the doors to access the pool. The fence is too tall for a child to get over. We have a lot of bedrooms in the big house and Gail had extra bedrooms added on to their home. We have four offices in our home and a security center with safe rooms in every building on the place.

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