[ part 3 ]

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"Congrats Ms. Y/n, welcome to Tannie Corp.!" Mr. Jeon hand out his hand to shakr it with you as you take it and shake his hand politely.

"Thank you Mr. Jeon for the trust on me," you let his hand and bow again. He just nodded and smile. He take out something under his desk. Its a big paper bag.

"Here, your first allowance as working here," he said it as passing you the paper bag.

"Oh my, what is it sir?" You take it from his hand. You take out the inside just make your eyes wanna popped out of it's place.

It's samsung table for new model! Super pretty!!

"Omg sir! Did you give it to me?!" You almost jump from your sit. Yea you never touch such an expensive thing in your life.

"Uhmm.. yea it's for you. You're my private assisstant now. You need to take note everything important about me, what I need to do, my schedule, my meetings with clients and more. So I just wanna make your work easier." He smile a little while touch his nose. Cute.

"Ahhh... I see. Thank you, sir." He nodded as pick up his phone to call someone.

"Y/n-ah, later Lily will come to train you for a week before you start on to be my PA after she resign contract. Okay? I have meeting to go." He talk to you while he still on his phone.

"Y-yes sir." You nodded as looking at him quickly run out from his office.

"Okayyyy" you nodded by yourself try to understand what he ask you to do. Should you find Lily by yourself or just wait for her calling you?

You decide to walk around while finding a woman named Lily to tell her what did Mr. Jeon ask to do. You quickly walk around the damn big office. Suddenly your eyes caught something. A pregnant woman was laughing with a person you already met for 3 times. It's...

Park Jimin.

They laughing while both holding a cup of tea while walking near to the place where you standing to.

"You... Y/n right?" suddenly the pregnant woman just calling your name. You quickly nodded your head.

"I'm Lily Mae, can call me Lily. I was Mr. Jeon's PA." You quickly bow to her and Jimin.

"Hello, I'm Im Y/n,"

"Lily, I need to go now. And thank you for the tea. It's refreshing," Jimin said as pointed on a cup he hold onto.

"No biggies sir, if you feel not easy, just tell me. There's Lily, there's a tea." Lily and Jimin laugh at the same time because of Lily's joke as Jimin walk away went into his office.

"So y/n... c'mon." Lily holding your arms went to a regular size of office with glasses door. The door opposite with Mr. Jeon's office door.

"This is your office now. You will take my place start on today." Lily said as smile to you. She take a sit to the chair infront of your desk while you also sit on the chair for you.

"Why did you stop your contract? Oh sorry for asking hehe." She smile again with your question.

"My husband don't want me to working anymore. So I decide to end my contract before giving birth to my first child. That's the reason," you nodded as understand her story.

"Such a sweet husband you have," she laugh a little.

"He is overprotective husband, but clumsy."

"So cute, I hope I get one like you have one day." You can say Lily is someone who loved to laugh. She always smile and laugh everything what you say.

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