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March 17th 2058:
Dear diary,
My papas want to move even further north. It's the 5th time now, and we're almost at Canada's border, when my sister says she misses her elementary school back in south California. They say it's too dangerous now that President Stokes is planning on war. I miss California too. My papas won't tell me much, but at least I have my sister.
July 9th 2058:
Dear diary,
It's my birthday! I turned 12 today. My papa and my dad brought us on a trip to Canada to stay with dad's brother. It was really fun! I can't wait to go to my friends though

July 23rd 2058:
Dear diary,
Papa said we're not going home. I didn't even get to say goodbye, but he says it's for out own good! Apparently the politics are really bad now, but he doesn't say anything more than that. My sister started taking an archery class, she's really good! I think she wants me to take one too, but I don't want to. I'd be the only 12 year old, everyone else is 17 like her.

November 29th 2058:
Dear diary,
I'm really scared. I think we might have to move even more north. Everyone on the radio that my sister listens to is saying shots were fired and everyone's in danger. It sounds like scary politics and they won't tell me anything.

December 1st 2058:
Dear diary,
Everyone in the house is freaking out! They're already packing their bags, along with the entire rest of the town. I have to get packing soon too

October 15th 2062:
Dear diary,
A lot has changed over the years and will all that was going on, I forgot about this book. I'm 16 now, and the world have delved into chaos. My family is living in a small migratory community with some other survivors in Canada. A little under 4 years ago, the president launched atomic bombs. They'd been threatening it for years prior, which was why we had to move so far. We're lucky we were able to escape this far north, it's unlikely there's anyone still living back in the south.

October 17th 2062:
A 2 headed deer wandered into the main fire in out camp during the night. My dad's trying to find out if it's safe to eat right now, but we'll have to move again soon. If the animals are already mutating this much, I fear what might happen to us if we stay. It's so cold though

October 26th 2062:
While we were on our way, we came across another group of survivors. I don't know if we can trust them, but they seem to be doing alright. That is, if you ignore the pregnant lady who's skin is turning a pale green, or their leader who starts laughing for no reason, or the child who keeps staring into the woods when there's nothing there. They creep me out, but safety in numbers I guess. I'm just following my papas and what they think is best. I wish my sister was here

October 28th 2062:
Our group has joined up with theirs, but we're being cautious. Their people keep trying to talk to us. There's this boy, who I think is 15, who keeps coming up to me. He feels off somehow, but I don't know how to tell him to stay away. He's so pushy. My sister would have known what to do

November 2nd 2062:
A weird boy just ran into our camp carrying three rabbit carcasses. The animals were definitely mutated, one has patches of green in its fur and another has 5 limbs. The third's too mutilated to tell, god how I hate gore. He says he killed them himself, with his bare hands. He was also barefoot running through the snow. Papa's going with some other hunters to follow his trail back to where he killed them, it's pretty easy since he left large tracks and a trail of blood all over the snow. I'm sticking close to the people in our original group tonight, the weird ones are all.. excited.. about this.

November 3rd 2062:
Our leaders are arguing with theirs over what to do now. Papa and the hunters came back late last night and they've been practically begging us to keep moving north before whatever changed the rabbits gets to us too. Their leader, the laughing one, wants us to sit tight, and his people somehow think that's a good idea.

November 7th 2062:
More of their group are looking and acting weird. I think it's from the rabbits, they all ate them in a stew, while out group ate normal animals from another hunting party. The weird boy's also really unsettling. He keeps trying to spend time with me, I think it's because I'm one of the only survivors close to his age.

November 14th 2062:
My dad snuck me and a bunch of people from our original group away. Their group was really creepy and everyone was getting bad vibes. Personally I'm just glad to be away from that boy, I was so scared he was going to do something horrible.

November 20th 2062:
Things have been peaceful in our new camp. It's pretty far north, so we really have to bundle up to stay warm, but the animals are mostly normal here. We've even run into other groups and stragglers, who all seem to be doing alright. Some of them joined up with us, my dad and some of the others are pretty strong leadership I guess. Nobody's like those weird people here too, which is a nice change

December 18th 2062:
This place might become more permanent. We've been her for a while, and there's been nothing wrong. Some other groups have settled down nearby and we might start sharing this place. The forest is relatively normal, and the animals are fine too.

January 6th 2063:
Happy new year! We had a celebration of how far we've come with some of the other groups around here that was pretty fun. The hunters caught plenty of game and we had a great meal. Some people are also thinking of starting some kind of farm, if we're able to get the heat to get that going.

July 9th 2063:
It's my birthday again! I'm 17 now, I didn't really have a party but I decided to join my papa on a hunting party. I've been practicing with a bow and I'm pretty good. It helps remember my sister. She was 17 when she died, and now I hope I can carry on her legacy in our new home town we named Jericho.

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