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Alya reluctantly came forward and stood beside Nyx. The woman in front of them beamed. She scanned Alya from head to toe. Her smile became wider by the second. Alya felt uncomfortable and tried to move back, but Nyx placed her hand on her shoulder, preventing her from moving.

"Alya, this is Greya, She's the owner of this store. And Greya, this is Alya. She's new to this world. She reincarnated here." Nyx whispered the last two sentences.

"Oh, is that so. Then it's a pleasure to meet you Alya. I hope you're getting accustomed to this place. I'm sure it's not what you're used to."

Alya stared at the woman for a while. She didn't seem like a bad person, plus, Nyx trusted her, so she slightly smiled.

It is....but I like it here. It's a lot better here than in my past life.

"That's good to hear...very good."

Nyx smiled as she saw the two were getting along well. She then remembered what they came here for and faced Greya.

"That reminds me, Greya, we both came here because Alya needs new clothes. And since you love dressing people up....."

"Say no more child!"

Alya flinched as she heard the woman's loud response.

Alya thought she made her angry, so she tried to apologise.

"Umm...if you don't want to..."

"Oh.....she wants to." Nyx interrupted her. Her lips curve up to a smile as she chuckled.

Alya was clearly confused.

'Does she want to....or not?'

Suddenly, Greya stared intently at Alya, as she scanned her features. Alya's body shivered, she tried to retreat, but Nyx was still holding her shoulder.

The woman stepped closer and closer, until her nose almost touched hers.


The woman turned to the owner of the voice. She gazed at Nyx, who took a step back, with Alya in tow.

"You're scaring her."

Greya then noticed the sudden closeness and quickly jumped back and bowed apologetically.

"Sorry about that, I just love dressing girls up. Especially the gorgeous ones. Can you forgive this inconsiderate woman?"

"Before Alya could speak, Nyx spoke for her.

"Of course she can, and she has. And she would love to play dress up with you."


Alya was at a loss of words.

"I'm so happy to hear that. With your flawless skin, body, and beautiful face, it would be a breeze to find the perfect clothes for you." Greya spoke.

With that said, Nyx pushed Alya towards Greya, who quickly dragged Alya along with her.

Alya could still not say anything as she was being dragged around the shop by a crazy lady.

'What have I gotten myself into?'


It was almost sunset, children were told to go back inside, while the adults were almost done with their work.

Alya was busy trying on different clothes. And Greya was loving every minute of it. Every set of clothes Greya gave her to try on, would fit her perfectly.

Greya gave her an orange-red sun dress to wear first. Alya entered a small changing room and tried it on. When she came out, Greya could only sigh in amazement.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now