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Minutes had turned to an hour, and still, the girls strolled through the dense forest. The duo hadn't gotten any sleep, and Alya was getting impatient.

Nyx could feel Alya's gaze drilling holes in the back of her head.

"Are we lost?"

"Of course not. I've gone through this forest many times, I know the place like the back of my hand."

Nyx's brows unconsciously furrowed. She was puzzled about what to do, she had never been lost in this forest. She was too familiar with the place.

She summed up to a conclusion.

"Something's wrong here, we should've reached a town by now."

"And where would that be?"

"I.....I don't know"

Minutes later they suddenly, heard the snap of a twig. They swiftly turned to the source of the sound. They were on high alert.

The source of the sound wasn't on the ground, it was from high up, in a remarkably tall tree.


A deep chuckle reached their ears. They looked up to find a guy resting on a huge tree branch over sixty feet up high. The moon shone on his silver hair, which caused it to shimmer. A long silver leopard tail could be seen holding a nearby branch. His obsidian eyes stared at the two girls amusingly.

"Who the heck are you? Are you doing this?" Alya glared at the mischievous-looking guy, who snapped another twig with his long and slender fingers.

"Doing what?" his voice was calm and clear. Nyx frowned and banged her fist on a tree behind her, causing shocking damage to the tree's strong bark. Alya was in awe of her strength.

"It's not funny kid....if you're doing this....."

"I'm not doing anything. I've just been watching. You guys are boring to watch though. This is the fourth time you've passed this place."

Alya was vexed.

'So we are lost.'

Nyx didn't notice the scowl directed at her. She glared at the guy.

"Don't interrupt a senior..."

"You're not some old lady." Alya retorted.

"And it doesn't help our situation." Alya continued, then walked forward and stopped right at the base of the tree where the silver leopard boy was.

He lazily gazed downward at Alya, who looked like an ant from up there.

"Do you know how to get out of here? Help a fox and a fellow feline."

The leopard rebutted.

"Don't group me with a cat."

"A leopard is still a cat," Nyx replied with a frown.

"I'm tired, if you could continue on your way, that'd be much appreciated."

"So, how do we get out of here? Our senior here got us lost." Alya asked once again.

"We're not lost."

"On the contrary. I'm not keen on dying here." Alya smiled coldly at Nyx who then huffed in annoyance.


"Get lost."


The guy closed his eyes and sighed.

"Get lost."

"We're already lost." Alya retorted with a glare.

"Just head towards another path, find a way on your own."

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now