Episode 2: Light

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Skye: This is it guys, three months of no school!

Sheldon: Your mother and I are going on a week-long vacation.

Then the Rangers became surprised.

Rangers: Really!?!

Marshall: Uhhhhh... guys?

Chase: What?

Marshall: Why doesn't sky changing surprise me?

Mayor Goodway: Hello, New Adventure Bay. We're sorry to interrupt your television watching, but this is kinda urgent... the sky is all dark and spooky...

Sir Shadow: You can call me, Shadow, Sir Shadow... You six will now have to deal with me!

Shadow Fiend: You six have a real death wish.

Rubble: Uh... is anyone going to tell me what just happened?

Sweetie: Some first day of summer.

Sir Shadow: My children, your goals have been given to you. Break the chains and set the hearts free.

Lady Light: How long until they think twice about what they wish?


In New Adventure Bay, the Rangers were searching through Rainbow Knight texts to find out more about Sir Shadow, but were unsuccessful because none of the texts Sheldon and Lucy-Grace have in the house didn't contain any useful knowledge. Eventually, they became frustrated.

Marshall: Ugh! I'm sick of this! I was excited for summer because I didn't want to study!

Rubble: Me too!

Sweetie: I'm with them!

Chase: Come on, guys. It's not studying. It's more like searching up something new to learn.

Marshall: That's a synonym!

Skye: Chase is right. We have to know more about what we're dealing with here.

Everest: Yeah. That Sir Shadow guy was really tough. It's like fighting a black and purple version of Sheldark.

Sweetie: We may have fought Sheldark many times, but I don't wanna face that guy again.

Rubble: Why not, Sweets?

Sweetie: That power, when I touched it, it was horrible, more horrible than Rainbow Darkness! I never knew that was such a power is worse than that!

Everest: I agree, and I think we all know that we're not gonna find anything useful in this mess of history books. That Shadow Fiend said that Sir Shadow and this Lady Light are a highly kept secret from the universe.

Chase: True, but there's gotta be something in here that might give us a clue or something.

Then the Rangers kept searching the books to find anything useful until Rubble found something.

Rubble: I found something!

Then the other Rangers came over to see what Rubble has found.

Marshall: Rubble, what did you find!?!

Rubble: It says that Rainbow Energy can be synthesis into an elixir that can cure every known disease in the universe. Not only that, but it tastes delicious, unlike regular medicine. I wonder how it will taste when mixed in with cookies?

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