The group watch in horror as Priya leads a small army of vampires through the doors of the mall.
Priya: Hello fives, a ten is here!
Amy: This isn't happening, how did they find us?
Priya: Oh please, as if you thought this dump could hide you forever.
She gives a signal to the vampires behind her.
Priya: Get them, now!
The vampires rush at them, weapons drawn and fangs out.
Kamilah: Traitors!
Adrian: There's no time for that, we need to protect our people!
Jax unsheathes his sword and runs at the advancing vampires. Kamilah flicks her wrists, and her daggers appear in her hands with a twirl.
Kamilah: This is it.
Lily: Oh man, I do not wanna die in a mall.
She grabs something out of her bag, one of the Order's repeating crossbows.
Lily: Good thing I always come prepared.
She starts firing, blasting crossbow bolts into the oncoming horde. A tall, lanky vampire drops first, then a short sprinting one, both crumbling into ash mid-strike.
Lily: New kill-leader!
Even as the vampires run and hide, the attacking horde rushes across the mall towards them.
Adrian leaps into their ranks, driving his fist through a skull and hurling another vampire over a railing.
Adrian: Amy, be safe!
Amy: I will!
To her left, she notices a trio of Priya's vampires speeding their way toward the escaping vampires.
Vampire Ally: Help me! Help me, please!
Horde Vampire: Come here, cutie. I just want to play.
Amy: Hold it right there!
She hurries to the box of UV grenades and grabs one, ripping off the safety pin with her teeth.
Amy: Incoming!
She launches the grenade at the vampires, and it explodes with a burst of intense light.
The vampires flinch away, their skin burning as they flail.
Another wave of vampires comes right after the first one, her allies about to become overwhelmed.
Suddenly, Arnold rushes in, planting himself between the fleeing allies and Priya's vampires.
Arnold: Not one more step.
Horde Vampire: Yeah? Or else what, old man?
Arnold: See for yourself.
He lifts a massive World War II flamethrower, aiming it directly at them.
He fires, swallowing the vampires in massive plumes of fire!
Arnold: Goddamn right.
Liv rushed up beside them.
Liv: I'm not about to let these sons of bitches win!
She reaches down to her garter and whips up a golden bladed chakram.
Liv: Little promise I made myself after I was attacked, never be unprepared again.
VampireNew mysteries, old enemies, and a thrilling adventure that'll unearth the dark, alluring history of vampires.