What to Expect?

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As you probably read already, this story is only a small prequel to the main story that will come later on.  BUT it's still worth your time, even for those who haven't seen Attack on Titan. Also keep in mind that English is not my first language therefore if you see any gramatical mistakes please warn me so I can correct them effectivly.

If you're anything like me and hate wasting time on books that are not really your thing, then don't worry. I'm here to tell you what you can expect from this book.

1. First and foremost  A BADASS FEMALE MAIN CHARACTER WHITH QUESTIONABLE MORALS. Hopefully you'll love her and hate her, cry with her, feel her anger and everything else in between.

2. Even though the main love interest is not gonna be present here, this book will still contain a LGBT romance and DIVERSE characters that may not go accordingly with the original anime.

3. It will include OFFENSIVE AND SEXUAL LANGUAGE, DESCRIPTIONS OF VIOLENCE and EXPLICIT STUFF. If you love that kind of thing, you're welcome. Also any TRIGGER WARNINGS will be all over the place and I'll even put signals to when it starts to where it stops, so you know where to pick up from without reading anything you don't wish to.

4. I feel like I have to repeat this so here we go: Even though this is a fanfiction based on a already existing universe, YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE WATCHED ATTACK ON TITAN TO UNDERSTAND THE BOOK. This will be a very complete story, mixed with a bit of my own originality.

If  you're the type of reader who likes to have visuals or asthetics to help imagine the main character here is MY perspective of her. Throughout the story I will also upload pictures of places or things for those who prefer or need visual aid.

(Keep in mind that the image below is how I imagine her as an adult, in this prequel she's still a kid)

1. Helen Ceirin 

 Helen Ceirin 

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In case you wonder, the main female character is based on my all time favorite baddies: Jude Duarte from The Cruel Prince; Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl; Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones and myself ;)

And just a little curiosity, Helen is a Ancient Greek name that means 'The Light' and Ceirin is an Irish name, usually for boys that means 'The little black one'. Some of my characters names say a lot about them, do with that information what you will... 

It took me hours to analyze every single character that I was going to include and decide on my original character's personality type. And even more hours to do some research on the history, geography and timelines and even little things like cultural stuff to make the world build be as realistic as possible for you readers. 

So please don't leave a rude comment, if you don't like it simply ignore it. I also ask that you please leave a star that would really help me, and also feel free to comment everywhere so I can follow your train of thought I really find that interesting.

Don't start arguments with each other (unless it's related to theories, those I love to read), and always be respectful. Don't be sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, fatphobic or really any kind of phobic  or you'll get reported and blocked, loser. :)

That's all!...for now ;)

Anyways see ya around, Wattpad community!


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