The Auction

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I'm sitting in between my dad and Nate in the back of a car. He hands me and Nate ear pieces and says, "Put these in, and do as I say."
"Umm, what?" I say to him. "Who's in charge here?" I ask him, clearly offended. I can see Nate's face starting to blush. My dad groans and gets out of the car, Nate opens his door and I grab him before he can get out. He looks to me and I lean into his war and whisper, "Someone's a submissive top." His breath starts getting shaky. "Oof. You like it don't you?" I ask in a seductive and dominant tone. "I've never had someone talk to me like that before. Usually I'm the dominant one." He says honestly. "Hmm, we'll see pretty boy." He goes to say something but I cut him off by French kissing him. I explore his mouth with my tongue and grab hold of his gum with my tongue, then I take the gum and put it in my mouth. Then close my mouth and kiss him softly, then pull away. "Lose the boner before you get in there." I exit the car, leaving Nate there all excited and flustered. I giggle to myself at my actions and start chewing his gum that is now my mouth.

Once I walk into the Augustine auction center, I find a gender neutral bathroom to change into. My father told me I have to be the distraction, so what better way to go about. Well, being super gay, and having a somewhat feminine body type, you dress in drag!! I start undressing myself from my suit and start putting on the dress I picked out. Just a normal skin-tight black dress, I pull it on the my lower half and start putting on my boots. "Ugh, you girls are such a hassle to work with!" I say under my breath. "And thank God I did my tuck before I got here. Was not about to waste ten minutes tucking my junk up my ass." Once I get my boobs situated, I finish putting on the dress and wig. Then I put on some make up. Just something basic. Mascara and lipstick is all you need. After I out on my heels I arm myself with all my weaponry I brought with me. Making sure it is secure and well hidden within the dress. I exit the bathroom and walk to the security room with a fake name badge on. Upon arrival I step in say, "Hey boys! The boss says it's time for lunch. Begone!" I wave them off and they leave. I shut the door and lock it. I sit down I the swivvle chair and start typing. "I'm in." I say into my ear pierce, alerting my father and Nate about my progress. "That fast? Shit okay!" I hear Nate say.
"Well, woulda been here quicker if I was dubbed being the distraction so, thanks for that Dad."
"No problem, buddy. Where you at on this?" He asks through the ear piece. "Just making some final touches and..." I push three more keys and the cameras are on a loop from the previous action, from three months ago. "We're golden, Ponyboy!"
"Did you just quote the outsiders?" Nate asks. "Sure did, handsome." I say back. "Alright you lovebirds, I can hear you flirting and to be honest. I really don't wanna hear moans from either of you." My dad says. "Just for that comment, I'll be sure to have my ear piece on while Nate is pile driving me doggy style." I hear an audible gagging noise from my father and giggle from Nate. "Let's move out. I gotta deal with something first." I say as I'm taking out my ear piece and throwing it on the floor, I stomp on it and breaking instantly. While I was looking through the current footage, I say Moncada and Jo Braddock in the cameras. I walk out of the guards room and head to the main floor where the auction is being held. But not before starting a small fire.


"You see Y/N anywhere?" Nate asks me. I shake my head. "Uh I'll take a martini." I hear Nate say to the bartender. "A martini?" I ask. "Yeah, why not?"
"That'll taste great eith the Bubble Yum." I says sarcastically. Nate blushes then chuckles and says, "Oh I don't have the gum anymore. Your son does." I look at him confused and ask how. "Oh he shoved his tongue down my throat and did a gum swap. Even though he didn't have any gum to swap with mine, he just took mine." Nate says completely nonchalantly and chill. "I loved it!" He then starts to slightly giggle like a school girl. "Shh, you'll blow our cover. We don't have Y/N anymore, can't seem to get ahold of him." I whisper to Nate in a grumpy tone. "Who's the girl talking Moncada?" I look over and see Jo Braddock and a girl..? With long dark curly hair, black lipstick on, and a tattoo sleeve on their left arm. Yellow roses. "Yellow roses, yellow roses." I mumble under my breath. Then the realization comes to me, that's Y/N. Dammit.

I had Nate deal with cutting the lights and now I'm talking to Braddock. She's talking my ear off over some nonsense. Eventually we part ways and go to our seats and wait for the auction to start. "Cause some sort of distraction. Fake a heart attack, do something kid." I say to Nate through my ear piece. Just as I hear glass breaking I also hear an explosion. I turn around to see what happened and see Nate dangling from the chandelier and a big fire. "Yup that'll do it. Great job kid!" I say as I take my jacket off and flip it inside out to make it seem like I'm a guard protecting the cross.

"Hi gentlemen. The big boss asked me to get this into the vault." I say to two other guards, gesturing to the case that holds the cross. "Alright, if you insist." They hand me the case and I walk away into the basement. Only to be stopped by Braddock. We fight for a little bit until two members of security come in and break us up. "Oh about time guys. She's trying to steal the cross!" I say to them. They nod their heads, as a sign for me to leave, and so I do. Once I get into the same car I got here in, I open the door and get in. I shut the door and look to my left and see my son and Nate in a heated make out session. "Ahem!" I say. They stop making out and Y/N rolls his eyes and gets off of Nate's lap then takes a seat next to me. "I got the cross." I say, holding up the case. "No you don't. I do." I look my son, wide eyed. I panic and open the case to find it completely empty. "Meh! Here. You might wanna give that a good way before touching it." Y/N says, setting the cross back in the case, shutting it. "Wait! That's what was up there?! Jesus, I thought that was just an anal plug." Nate says, sounding slightly disappointed. "Wait a second! You shoved a multi-billion golden cross, uo your ass?!"
"Yup. Sure did. But don't worry. I douched before I shoved it up there. There a problem, Dad?"
"You are so fucking nasty!"
"Eh, I know. But Nate seems like to it." I hear Nate mumble something under his and grab my son's inner thigh, bringing him closer to him. "Alright, alright, alright. If you guys are gonna fuck, can it at least wait until you two get to NATE's apartment? I don't wanna see nor hear that." I say.

"Hey, be happy you got the cross. Be happy I'm here, because you'd be dead by now if I wasn't. But ot on my own accounts. I didn't come all this way to be scolded by my bitchy, whiney father." Y/N says, then he straddles Nate's lap again and they start back where I found them. In a heated make out session. With me sitting right next them.

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