The Plane Ride

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Myself, my dad, and Nate are all hiding behind a loading escalator at the airport where Moncada and his team are boarding a plane. The plane that they'll take to find the lost gold. I see Moncada's red Mercedes and nudge Nate's shoulder. "C'mon you two. Let's get all cuddly." I say as I slowly make my way to the trunk of the vehicle, making sure to not be seen. I open the trunk and we file in, my father on the passengers side, Nate on the driver's side, and myself in the middle with my back towards Nate. My dad closes the truck and we feel the car being loaded on. "Might as well get comfortable, we got a ten hour plane ride." Nate whispers in my ear as he wraps an arm around me. "You two are gonna fuck while I'm right next you, are you?" My dad asks. "Mmm, maybe. Maybe not." I say with a smirk. "Ugh god!" He exclaims quietly. I get comfortable in my boyfriend's embrace and start to fall asleep.

I wake up a few hours later and notice that we're still in the car. I come fully to my senses and feel something poking my butt, "Mmm. Nate, honey. Take the gun out of your pocket, it's poking me in the ass." I whine and start to stretch a little. "That's not a gun, baby boy." He whispers. "Then what the fuck is i--oh my god. Do you have a boner!? Right now?!" I whisper-yell at him. "Oh yes I do, baby! You kept rubbing your ass against me. Were you dreaming about me?" I look up at him and see him smirking at me with that sexy face of us. "If it was just us in here, this would be happening right now. But I can't with my father right there." I say in a serious tone. "You two wanna shut the fuck up so I can sleep?" We hear my dad say, "You're awake!?" He nods then flicks my nose, I exclaim with a weird noise and flick him on the bridge of us nose. "Bitch twat!" I say to him. "Bitch twat? That's new." Then my dad falls asleep. "See why I call him my old man?" I ask Nate, who nods, then Nate holds me closer to him and places a kiss on my cheek saying, "Let's take a nap together okay? I just wanna hold you!"
"You're being needy and whiney."
"I love it." I say as I rub the tip our noses together and then kiss him.

Another few hours pass and we are all awake now. Just being quiet and bored out of our minds. "Are we there yet?" I ask my father. "Soon." He says in a hushed voice. I exchange a look with my boyfriend and wink at him, he's confused at first, then as soon as I repeat the question over and over again, he starts to laugh. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"
"If you don't shut the fuck right, Y/N Y/M/N, I will break your nose!" My dad says. "Oh no! Not my cute little button nose!" I say sarcastically and dramatically. "Whatever will I d--OWWW! SON OF A BITCH!" I groan softly as my takes his shoe off and smacks my face with it. "Alright ladies, enough fighting. Someone could hear us." Nate whispers, and we both give him a look. "I'm going back to sleep." My dad says. "Uh I need to stretch!" I say as I hear the pilot saying that they're approaching the drop zone. "Ooo yay! We can get out now. I gotta piss!"

As soon as my dad, Nate, and I are out of the truck I pretty much zoom into the nearest bathroom, relieving me of my full bladder. As I wash up, the door flies open and an Irish dude says something to me that I cannot understand. "I'm sorry?" I say, then he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and throws me across the room. He repeats what he says, but I still don't understand what he says. "Dude! Slow your roll. I don't understand what you're saying." He scoffs and says, "Why you little!" He picks me up by my collar again, but wrap my legs around his neck and use all my strength to throw him. I land on one knee and breathe heavily, then I run as fast as I can until I get to where I was before. "Fuck! FUCK!" I shout as I dodge several bullets and hide behind Moncada's car. "Come on out, Sully Junior. We can works this out! Together we can find the gold, and kill Victor together. Just as you've always wished for!" I hear Braddock shout against the wind. How did she know? Was she spying on me? "I have no dies what you're talking about, Josephine!" I say to her from behind the car, take out both of my sais. "You have no idea what you're doing her, Junior! Stand down and I won't kill you. If you stay and fight, I kill you, just like I killed your mother." Hearing this makes me gasp for air and slowly start to cry. "It was Frazer! Frazer killed my mother!"
"That's what you may have seen! But it was me who shot her dead! Then your own father, turned against you, and dated the enemy."
"No. You lie. He would never do that! You stupid fucking, BITCH!" I yell as I jump over the car and run to her, swinging my sais to dodge the bullets. I start to fight off her squad, killing then with ease. "ENOUGH!" She yells, and hear her gun loading. "You've outdone yourself, Junior. I'm impressed." I turn around to her pointing her gun right in front of me. "You must think of some sort of toy? A rag doll even? Something you can just throw around and play with you please? Pfft!"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you, toying with my brain! Making things up as you go! So you can what? Gain power?"
"You're wasting your breath, Y/N!"
"So now you say my name! Good, now you know who killed you!" I say as I drive one my sais into her wrist, making her drop her gun. I remove the sais and swing both of them at her. She yelps in pain, holding her throat, and then stumbles backwards, catching her fall on one of the crates. She starts choking and coughing up blood, then removes her hand, blood spraying out her neck. She falls to the ground and is dying; a slow and painful death. "Goodbye, Josephine Braddock. Say hi to my mother, will ya?" I say, pitting my sais back in their sheaths.

I start to run towards the back of the plane, and prepare to jump. Just as I'm jumping out, Nate jumps in. "NATE!?" I shout as he yells, "OH SHIT!" Then he catches me..well, we catch each other. "You don't have a parachute?" I shout through the air. "You don't have a parachute!" He says, pointing out that I didn't grab one on my out the plane. "Go to the crate, it'll break our fall into the ocean." He nods and I give him a peck on the lips before pushing myself off him and free falling to the crate.
"Hold on, baby! Hold on!" He takes my hand from across the crate and once I feel the crate hit the water, I hold my breath and swim up to the surface. Nate and I are now sitting on opposite sides of the crate, looking different directions in search of some sort of land. "Braddock's dead. I killed her. Turns out she's the one that actually killed my mother. But, I can't believe a word she says. She also said..." I pause as I start to laugh in hysterics of my grief. The grief I still feel for my mother. "She also said, that my own father betrayed me and dated her. Like, who the fuck does that! You see now? You see why I have daddy issues?!" I should as Nate says nothing. "Are you just gonna ignore what the fuck I just said?!" I shout at him. "I dunno how to respond! I'm sorry? I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that Braddock killed your mother! I'm sorry your dad is a deadbeat man." He yells at me. "You're just saying that! How am I supposed to trust you? Just because you know how to work your dick, doesn't mean you're trustworthy! Just because my dad thinks I'm off dead somewhere, doesn't mean he's trustworthy. We both know all he cares about is that God damn gold! He doesn't even care about me, Nate! Not once has he ever looked for me!" I yell as I feel tears running down my face.
"That's not true!" Nate says, trying to calm me from my hysterics. "It is, Nathan! It is!" I feel the crate pivot as Nate moves to my side and sits next to me. "I'm sorry, babe. I'm sorry for not calling you trustworthy. You're the only person I've ever trusted before. And now, now I feel like I've just shat on that." Nate wraps him arms around me and brings me in for a tight hug, then places a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I yelled at you,  I shouldn't have said all those things. I didn't mean them. Please believe me! Please! Because without you in my life, I have no one."
"I believe you, baby. I believe you. Don't ever be sorry for expressing your emotions." He says as he kisses my lips. "How are you so forgiving?"
"Because you are my soulmate. I will be there for you, no matter what. Also, you're a fucking slutty twat!" I look at him with a shocked face as I hear the tone in his voice. "Wow! Well, I bet you can happily say that I'm you're slutty twat?" I wink at him and he chuckles, then nods and kisses me again.
We look out into the ocean and see land from afar. "You care for a swim?"
"Mmm. Nah. It's a race! And Imma win!"
"Oh you are now aren't ya?"
"Uh I think I just said that?"
"Loser has to bottom!"
"You? Nathan Drake? A dominant top? Willing to take up a bet, to bottom?!"
"Uh I think I just said that?" He says mocking me, then jumping in the water. "HEY! CHEATER!" I yell, jumping into the water after him.

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