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After breakfast is cleaned up, Y/N and I head back to our room and get ready for the day. We took the longest to get ready, we couldn't help ourselves when we were in the shower. Had to fool around a little bit. Y/N and I finally caught up with everyone else, Y/N limping a little along the way. "Oh, so that's what took so long. Got it." Taunie says in an annoyed tone. "Hey. We're in our honeymoon phase, it's natural for us to want to be with each other 24/7 no matter what. Shut up!" Y/N says in a sassy tone. I giggle a little bit, then interlace my fingers with his and squeeze his hand a little bit. He looks up slightly to meet my eyes and smiles, I smile back at him and grab the side of his face and pull him in for a kiss. "I love you, Y/N Drake." I say, rubbing my thumb over his cheek.
"I love you too, Nathan Drake." Y/N says, blushing. "Alright, love birds. Let's get moving." Kris says, waving everyone down to follow him to the church.

Once we arrive to the church, Kris splits us up in one group of four and another group of three. Myself, Y/N, and Sam are the group of three. Ava, Taunie, Kris, and Danny are the group of four. He hands everyone ear pieces to keep in touch and goes over the plan again. "Alright. We got our objectives. We get in their, fight anyone in our path, get everything we can, then get out, alive and uninjured. Let's do this shit." Kris says to everyone. "Take care of my mother." Y/N says to Kris. "I will. Don't you worry."

As we're walking down the all too familiar path we took not long ago, it gives me the creeps again. "We gotta follow the arrows." Sam says. "Be careful of the spikes." He adds. Great, more spikes trying to kill me. "I got it." Y/N says, creating a telekinetic force field around the three of us. "Alright, go." Sam walks past the arrow, triggering the booby trap, the spikes come out, but nothing happens thanks to Y/N's shield. We get past the spikes and Y/N takes down the shield, and ignites a small ball of fire in the palm of his hand. "This place gave me the creeps before, now I have the heeby jeebies." Y/N says. "We should split up. It'll be done quicker if we look in different areas." Y/N adds, walking to the left of the building, Sam takes center, and I take the right.

Thirty minutes go by, and I've made a complete circle, thrice. "I can't find anything. I keep going in a circle, guys." I say into the comms set in my ear. "I might have found a passage way. Just fifty paces north of where we started, Nate." Sam says into the comms. "Okay. I'm in my way. Y/N? Where you at?" I wait a few seconds for a response from him, but he says nothing. "Babe? You there?" I try again. But no response. "Ba—" I'm cut off by a blood curdling scream. "Sam! That's Y/N! Let's god!" I yell into the open space. I start running towards the scream, until I bump into Y/N. "Hey! You okay? Why'd you scream?" I ask, holding his arms. "I saw a spider." Y/N says, shivering and shaking. "I think you're being dramatic and over exaggerating, Angel. Spiders aren't that bad." Sam says, trying to calm Y/N's nerves. "They are when they're that fucking big!" Y/N says, shining some light on a giant spider. My eyes widen in horror as I meet the eyes of this giant arachnid. The spider starts to shriek and then run towards us. "Nope!" Y/N says, grabbing mine and Sam's wrists and running the complete opposite way. "Where did you find the passage way, Sam! Where!" Y/N shouts. "Thirty more paces this way." Sam says, taking to the lead. I start running faster, pulling Y/N from behind me to match my speed. Y/N continuously looks behind us, to see where the spider is. I hear Y/N yelp and see him fall in the ground form the corner of my eye. I stop and try to pull him up. "Go! I got this. I'll catch up. Just go!" Y/N says.
"No! I'm not leaving you to die." I say, pulling him up to his feet. I gasp as I see the spider just mere inches from us. "Oh you're going. Love you, baby. Bye." Y/N pushes me towards Sam yelling, "Take care of each other! I'll be right behind you! Go! Now!" Then he turns around and distracts the spider, having it follow him. Sam grabs me and pulls me into the passage way, unfortunately for me, he's stronger. I start fighting him, trying to get to Y/N, but it's no use, we're already through the passage way and the doorway is sealed shut now. "Why'd you let him go! WHY SAM! WHY!" I start yelling and punching at my brother, trying to get a straight answer out of his stupid actions. "Hey, hey, hey, hey! HEY!" I bring a hand to my cheek as I feel a stinging sensation. "Might I remind you, Y/N was my partner long before he was your fiancé. I know what he's doing. He's basically a cockroach. He won't be dying anytime soon, Nate. I promise you that. He's doing what he's done best; protect us." I look into my brothers green eyes, and start to cry. "It's okay, Nate. It's okay." Sam says, wrapping me in a hug. "I can't lose him, Sam. I just can't. I thought I lost you along time ago. I can't lose Y/N! He's the love of my life!" I say into his chest. "I know he is. I know, Nate. But he's gonna be okay." I can hear the tone in Sam's voice, it's the tone people use when they're lying or unsure of the circumstances. "Okay. Let's go." I say, letting go of Sam and walking away.


After slaughtering the giant arachnid and it's offsprings, I start finding a way out of here. I can't teleport, I can but I'm choosing not to. I don't wanna end up in a wall or somewhere worse. I press my finger to the my comms set and say, "Nate? Sam? You guys okay?" I wait for a response, thankfully Nate answers quickly. "Oh thank fuck you're alive. What the hell happened, baby?" He asks with a sigh of relief. "Yeah uh, what did happen?" Kris asks. "Giant spider. That's all you need to know. I'm trying to find a way out. But, I'm sensing something else is gonna happen. So, where do I go from.." I trail off my sentence as I look at my surroundings. "Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me right now." I say as I meet the eyes of someone I thought would be dead. "What is it now?" Sam asks in a pissed off voice. "It's Moncada." I say. "Didn't he die?!" Everyone says in a shocked tone. "Supposed to be. I'll...fuck!" I hear lots of guns cocking as Moncada steps closer to me and holds out his hand. I sigh and take out my piece and then place it in his hand. Moncada takes the ear piece and presses the button.


"Y/N? Y/N?!" I yell into the comms. Then I hear several gunshots go off. My eyes widen, my breath hitches, and my heart starts to break. Moncada, who is supposed to be dead, killed my fiancé. A wave of anger and sadness overwhelm my body, and I fall to my knees and start to sob.

"We should have never split up. I'm so sorry, Y/N!" I say softly.

Victor Sullivan's Son (Nathan Drake x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now