Too Many Questions

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"Twila!!" A high-pitched, annoying voice says while I cringe in my sleep. I drool and turn along with my satin pinky pearl sheets. "L-leave me alone Tessa" I mumble half-asleep. "No!! Get up, Mom said you've been sleeping for way too long" Tessa, my younger sister protests and snatches my blankets off of me.

"Ugh, it's like six in the MORNING jerk, give me my blankets back!!" I say groaning in sleep deprivation. "You have GOT to be kidding me, sis, this is why I'm way more responsible than YOUR peasant butt." She says. Ugh, this three-year-old better stop talking before I pick her 70-pound ass up and put it in the adoption center.

"Big talk coming from a literal THREE-YEAR-OLD." I say and open the door motioning her exit. "I'm eleven and a HALF, grandma. Oh my bad, I forgot you had dementia." She says making the stink eye and sticking her tongue out. "Whatever, if you tell Mom that I've been awake, I'll give you five bucks," I say knowing well Tessa will do anything for money.

"Deal!" Her mood just shifted. Alien. She walked over to the top drawer of my white dresser. "What do you think you're doing?" I say confused but also secretly ready to drop-kick Miss Girl down the stairs. "You owe me five dollars, I'm taking my cash before you take back what you said." She opens the drawer and takes a small leather pocket out of it before putting it back and smiling.

I roll my eyes and slam the door shut as she leaves. *buzz* I check my phone.

Dion sent a message

Dion "Good morning baby"

Me "Bold of you to assume I'm awake this early :)"

Dion "Wasn't an assumption ;)"

Me "Ohhh, I get it.. so you're stalking me now baby? 🥺🥺"

Dion "You know I'm obsessed with you right?"

Me "ILY 💕"

Dion "You got me rowled up and shi, coming over rn"

Me "I can't wait to kiss you"

Dion "Twila FREAKIN Monroe YOU can't wait to kiss me?! Pretty sure I'm not the hottest, richest, smartest, guy in school. Remember I'M lucky to have you :) Don't push it, princess"

Me "You have NO idea how much I wanna kiss you Dion, baby. Your smile is my favorite. Your eyes are so pretty that I often get lost in them. Every. Single. Night. I dream of marrying you. You are indeed my favorite. Dion Mendoza?! Sounds like the most perfectly perfect boy in the world :)"

Dion "Got me blushing and shii, I'm here."


"There's my good girl" My boyfriend greets me with a hug and pulls my hips into his. His darker complexion, blue eyes, and tall, muscular figure always seemed to do something to me. He knew it too. He caresses my back and I break the hug with a peck on his lips. "You don't know how much I missed you!!!" I say practically squealing at his presence. He chuckles, softly humming, "Babyyy," while wrapping his hands around my head and planting kisses on my forehead.

I'm suddenly met with realization and the repulse to act mad at him. I turn away, arms crossed while pouting. "You could've called me when you got back in town jerk.." I say sounding hurt. "Oh come on Lyly, as much as I wanted to, I got back at 11 and didn't want to interrupt your beauty sleep," Dion says, spinning me around. He's a Consultant Trainee meaning constant travel.

I continue looking down, still in protest. "You know you're more important than sleep, Dion." Finally glancing up in his direction. Out of muscle memory for dealing with my pouting almost daily, he takes my hands in his and makes his way to say something sweet and endearing in my ear. "I would get on my knees right now and beg for you to forgive me, my love, please." He speaks softly and nibbles on my earlobe.

"Hey love-birds, mom's almost done with eg-." My sister walks in mid-intimacy only to tell us about breakfast. We both turn to look in her direction knowing the reaction about to partake. She starts her spiel. "EW EW EW EW and EW," and runs off. I roll my eyes. My sister's arrival, however, granted me time to decide if I should forgive Dion, it was a yes. I manage a smile and look into his eyes. "You're forgiven, mister."

I pat my belly. "Oh yeah, this is gonna be so good little tummy," I say excitedly, so ready to dig into the pancakes, eggs, and toast sitting in front of me. "Hungry?" My mother says chuckling at my ridicule. I throw a bite of pancake into my mouth and struggle to respond, "Mhmmm!!"

My sister Tessa throws a grimace at the disgusting way I'm eating. "Oh come on Mom, she's gonna hog all the food just look at the way she's eating," she complains. Everyone turns to look at my plate that's filled with 2x the proportions of everyone else. Dion chuckles with awe in his eyes meanwhile everyone else with a look of disgust. Also, I was on Dion's lap. The rest of the chairs my mom sold to raise money for funds, so until she bought new ones this was the compromise.

Tessa starts ranting to my mom about this girl at school. "Are you sure you don't want anything, Dee?" I ask Dion. He said he already ate breakfast at home but I just wanted to make sure. "Are you sure there would be any food left?" He says jokingly.

"Well, you know I can't promise that," I giggle and boop his nose with a dab of whipped cream that I got from my pancakes. As I'm happily finishing my food, moaning every so often from the pleasure of both the food and Dion playing with my hair, he gets a call. I nosily look at his phone screen to see that it's from Ben. Ben was Dion's adopted brother who was 2 years younger than him, 15, just like me. Needless to say, I always really liked him.

Dion pushes up on my bottom to get up, "Sorry baby I have to take this." I excuse myself from our chair to let him proceed. My mom and sister excuse themselves from the table as well. Lonely now, I go on my phone to scroll on TikTok. I get a Snapchat notification and click on it. 'Cyh-chbum153' requested to add you' it reads. Cy? As in Cylis? Oh dear. I accept.

Before I can process who just added me, I'm startled by quickly-paced thuds behind me. "Twila get your things, we're leaving," Dion demands sternly. I tilt my head. "What? Why?" I question; my mind is only filled with confusion. "Ben's in the hospital, come on, quickly!!" He says with obvious worry and terror in his voice as he throws his Dr. Martens on.

"Oh my-," I start concerned, "I'll be out in a second, my jacket's upstairs!" I say and with no further response, he bolts out the door. Hurriedly, I race up the stairs on a mission for my jacket. Another notification from Snap dings in the rave but I ignore it for now. I slip on my Berks and dash for the car.


This story is just for fun so I dont really bother about how long each one is :') EL O EL

Anywaysss, the fine lookin dude in the banner at the top is supposed to be Dion to save your imaginations ya welcomeee

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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