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It is the last Greek alphabet and generally means the last of any series. And, that is why we have come to call this era, where the life of mankind is slowly ebbing away, as Omega, the Ultimate.

In a time when all life on earth was doomed for destruction and pandemonium due to the lavish and careless lifestyles of our forefathers, where fresh air, clean water, healthy food and shelter were a dream, where civilizations had crumbled to pave way to primitive thoughts, unstable monarchies and even sorcery and magic, a child was born. For one to be born at such a time was considered a bane as one did not have the opportunity to live a full life and having to grow old with your loved ones. However, fearing unforeseen dangers, this mother and her little son began their journey away from their homeland, Athens, to places where even the law could not protect them from the danger that lay ahead.

His name was Tanoën (pronounced: ta-nu-ahn). Having escaped with his mother 16 years ago when he was just an infant, he lived a nomadic life, forever travelling in search of safe lands to settle down upon. His father who used to be a soldier in the army of the King of Athens, Pompelouse (pronounced: pom-pey-oose), was killed during battle during the Seven Year War. It had been 15 years since they had last seen that city, it's people and it's treacherous King. But, all that was about to change.


The night was hot and muggy. A lone figure walked on, along the pavements, past the grocer's and beyond the town square. He walked till he reached the outskirts of the town, to a little cottage. Just a few meters more and he would have ventured into the Forbidden Forest. "Another day," he thought to himself.

"Ryder! Are you home?", he called out.

The little door of the cottage creaked open, and out came Ryder, a lanky 15-year-old with a messy mop of brown hair and bright green eyes. He looked out into the darkness and saw a a boy about his age, similar frame but blond with sea-blue eyes.

"Come in Tanoën.", was the reply.

"What are you doing here so late?"

"I had to meet you Ryder. They said-they said that we must leave the week after. Mother has begun making preparations already. I don't want to leave Ryder ! So, I had to come and talk to you."

"By Zeus! Is this true?!"

"Why would I lie? You have to help me convince Mother not to leave."

"But, they will come after you if you don't go. What are you going to do then?"

"We'll hide, we'll figure something out. But I don't want to leave you. And especially Nina."

"Tanoën, I advise against you staying. But, I think I can help you. I have a plan..Come inside!"

They went into the cottage. It was a small place, but very homely. Tanoën loved it there. The three of them would always meet each other in the backyard every day. Nina would bring her little dog, Layla, and they would all play together, among the bright red roses and the sunshine yellow lilies. Ah! Such peaceful lives they led. Not one could foresee what was to happen to them in the next few weeks.

"Sit down, please. Care for some crackers?"

"No Ryder. Tell me what you have in mind. And quick! Mother will be worried if I don't return soon."

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