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Castaway // 5 Seconds of Summer


"Let it all out, girl," Misty says while lying next to me.

When I stomped into the living room, all the girls sat at attention and watched me make my way to the stairs. Misty declared a DEFCON five emergency, following close behind me while Kyra and Alison were on her heels. I don't have a posse to rally around me when shit happens, so this is not something I experience typically.

It's nice. But I'm not sure I'm ready to spill all my secrets with them.

"Meh," I say. I'm on my bed, Misty acting as a bodyguard and the other two sitting on the end.

Misty tries to convince me to talk. "No, not meh. You are obviously fuming. It's not healthy to hold in that kind of anger. This is a safe place. Vent to your little heart's content."

"This room is a vault. We won't speak of it outside of these walls." Kyra agrees.

"We're here for you, Charlie." Alison rubs my leg.

I pull my arm from its resting place over my eyes and stare at the ceiling.

"I don't want to go into details. Micah has been my best friend since forever. I thought I could trust him. I thought..."

Misty sits straight up. "Did he hurt you? Cause I know a guy."

I laugh. "No. I mean, he broke my heart a year ago. But he did it out of stupidity, I think. He didn't touch me."

"Okay. As long as you're sure. But the offer stands. I can make a call and take care of it for you."

"Misty, would you stop!" Alison snaps. "The guy you know is Jeff's uncle and I know he's not going to do anything illegal."

"Who said anything about criminal activity? I was just talking intimidation." Misty lies back down next to me and pats my arm. "Just say the word."

"I'm good. It'll all be fine once I move. I'll just white knuckle it until then."

"How long until you move?" Alison asks quietly.

"End of the summer. I'm going to New York."

"Oooo, love it! Which part?" Kyra rubs her hands together, grinning. "That has to be my favorite all time city. The art, the energy, the style. Gah, so jealous."

"I don't know which part, yet. I'm going with the flow."

The silence following my statement has my eyes popping open. I glance around at the wide eyes aimed at me. "What?"

"You don't have a plan?" Kyra sounds horrified. "But, it's New York."

"I've never been there, and I'm not really a planner myself, but I think you should at least narrow it down." Alison stretches out on the bed like a cat.

I sit up and look around. "I don't know how much money I'll have. I'm not sure how I'm getting there. It's one step at a time and right now I'm on step 'save my money and figure it out.'"

"Ohhhhh-kay," Misty says. "All that aside—because let's face it we aren't solving that problem today—let's figure out what we're going to do to Micah."

"Don't you mean, about Micah?" Kyra clarifies.



"Okay, I think I'm good now. No need for revenge or intimidation. Or meddling of any kind. I've already told Micah my thoughts so...yeah."

Kyra hugs me. "Boys are dumb."

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