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Although Achlys is widely known as someone who runs out of words easily and is rather awkward when talking, that doesn't hold her back from trying her best by making V-Lives/WEVERSE lives to repay CARATs support

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Although Achlys is widely known as someone who runs out of words easily and is rather awkward when talking, that doesn't hold her back from trying her best by making V-Lives/WEVERSE lives to repay CARATs support. If making a video of her eating or just chatting helps at least one CARAT out there, or brings the smallest enjoyment you bet she'll do it.


The Quarantine Crisis

June 22, 2021

IN LATE JUNE of 2021, Seventeen has to go under self-quarantine.

It was a chaotic moment for the whole group, with Woozi going MIA, DK channelling his inner CARAT, and Hoshi preparing the tiger revolution. All in all, each day was a new surprise for CARAT who, having expected some days lacking content, were surprised by constant occurrences.

Achlys maintained her usual routine, making her weekly VLive and posting in her social medias accounts punctually. However, there was an anomaly, that came in the form of another solo VLive.

As CARATs logged into the video, the first comments of the amazed audience members were already taking over the online chat, as the image loaded and showed Achlys sat in front of her phone (presumably placed atop a vanity) in a badly lighted bathroom.

If the hour hadn't been enough of a red flag (it was rather early in South Korea, in the middle of night), the fact that she was holding some hairstyling scissors in a bathroom should have finished it off. CARATs didn't take long to voice their concerns in the public chat.

> im scared
> what's going down
> Wasn't she the sane one? 😭

Some seconds after opening the video, seeing as the audience was growing in numbers and already fairly abundant, Achlys bowed her head and talked in a tired voice (presumably due to the hour during which she was recording), "Hello, CARATs."

There was a pause before she continued, as she took a long minute to think of what to say. "I'm sorry for making a VLive so early. I haven't been able to sleep well," she started, "I have to clip up my bangs to see and the length is getting out of hand. Plus, I like shorter hair better. So... Uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable."

> man, quarantining isn't healthy anymore. prime proof:
> I don't like where this is going :)
     > i'm having a big ✨no thoughts, head empty✨ moment bcs of this

Again, there were some seconds of silence, during which Achlys only read the comment section. CARATs we're aware that she wanted to add something more, as her lips were slightly separated but if she was known for something, was for being terrible at small talk.

"And, I'll be real. CARATs, I won't lie to you," she sighed, "I'm making excuses; I lost a bet with Jeonghan," she commented. Shortly after, she spoke again for the last time, "I'm sorry for being so awkward, CARATs, you know I'm bad with words."

> ... lmao
> jeonghan iSTG
> It's always Jeonghan, that wannabe Loki...
> u aren't awkward lys <3

She let out a shaky breath, as she picked up the scissors and inspected them, quickly tidying her hair with a comb.

> is this what i think it is?

She bowed again towards the camera, biting her lip, and moved the scissors towards her hair, mindful of leaving enough length for stylists to fix it properly. She wavered, moving her scissors shakily over her hair.

> someone stop her ?! the police ? the firefighters ? anpanman ??1?
     > dO IT
> Where are the other members when we need them.

The next images shocked all CARATs to the core. Achlys, in one decisive move of the scissors, cut a chunk of her hair. As it dropped into the tabletop, the comment section froze briefly and Achlys let out one of the deepest and shakiest sighs known to mankind.

> homegirl has lost the last grip she had on her sanity... theres nothing behind those eyes
> NO
> jeonghan, it's on SIGHT

She quickly made some further cuts, somewhat cleaning up the mess she had made with her hair. When that was done, she left the scissors to the side and looked at her reflection in the mirror above her phone.

> wait a moment while i cry the loss of her long hair
> Why does it sTiLl look good on her tho

"I'm so sorry for the stylists..." she whispered, rethinking her life decisions. "And for you too, CARATs. I'll post a photo of this mess fixed when quarantine ends."

Indeed, some days later Achlys posted photos on Weverse of her new hair, to CARATs amazement.

Indeed, some days later Achlys posted photos on Weverse of her new hair, to CARATs amazement

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