Chapter 1

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

Y/n walked through the halls, trying to find her class. Every time she made eye contact with someone, she smiled at them. They either smiled back or looked at her wierdly, but she didn't care.

As she looked at her schedule, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to see who it was and it was a black haired boy.

"hey, you seemed lost. You need any help?"

He smiled and she smiled back.

"Yeah actually where's this class?"

"Oh we're in the same class"

He said in surprise. He then motioned her to follow him. She followed him when a girl suddenly bumped into her.


She says as she tries to pick her stuff up.

"Oh it's fine, I like your outfit"

Y/n says as she helps the girl pick her stuff up. The girl blushed and thanked her.


The girl said as she checked the time.

"We should probably go too"

"Oh wait I forgot to ask for your name"

Y/n says as she tried to catch up to him.

"I'm Bruce"

Bruce said as he smiled. They walked in to the class and the teacher looked at them both as the bell rang.

"Good morning, Mrs Wilson."

Bruce said as he walked to his seat. Y/n was about to follow when the teacher stopped her to introduce herself.

"Good morning class, meet our new student. She's all the way from California!"

The teacher states as she motions for Y/n to introduce herself.

"I'm Y/n L/n, I moved here a few days ago. I hope we get along well!"

She smiled at all of them and walked to the empty chair next to Bruce. She sat down and listened to the lesson diligently.


As I was writing notes down, a post it landed on my desk. I looked at who threw it and it was Bruce. I finished writing and decided to look at what he said.


I looked at him in confusion but decided to reply anyways.

'Hello ;)'

I passed it back and continued to listen to the teacher. The post it appeared again.

'wanna come to my game, I'll win for u ;)))'

I rolled my eyes and I nodded at him, giving him a thumbs up. The teacher noticed us but decided to ignore it since both of our papers had notes on it.

Passing Period

I packed all my stuff and checked my schedule again. Room 405? That's literally on the other side of the building. Suddenly a few people walked up to me.

"Hey, Y/n right?"

A girl said, smiling.

"Yeah, and you??"

I say as I hold out my hand to shake hers.

"I'm Donna, nice to meet you"

She says. I suddenly remembered I had to go to my next class.

"Oh sorry I need to go, my next class is all the way on the other side of the building! It was nice talking to you though!"

I say as I waved bye. I then started walking to my next class.

'ok just don't talk trash about people. I'm on a whole different state, it's a new chance!'

I thought as I walked to my next class, smiling at people. Suddenly I saw a couple making out.

'Y/n. don't you dare laugh or say anything to them. You're not like those girls anymore anymore'

(by that she means the trash talking about weird people and laughing at their faces)

I gripped my books tighter, trying to hold in my laugh. Suddenly I heard the word kitten. I've never walked faster into a classroom.

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