Chapter 2

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i almost forgot to make bruce introduce himself💀💀


I walked into the classroom and the teacher motioned for me to go to the front of the class. I then introduced myself like last time and decided to sit next to a long haired boy with a bandanna. I smiled at him and then focused on the teacher.

'Last period was history and this one's science'

I  thought as I started organizing my planner.

'I'm gonna actually work hard at school this time, no trashtalking or boys'

I reminded myself as I listened to the teacher.

"go to page 34 and talk to your partner about blah blah blah"

He says as he writes down on the board the page number. I brought out the textbook and started reading. After I finished, I started talking to the guy next to me.

"Hey I'm Y/n, what's yours?"

"Robin. Robin Arellano"

He says as he turned to me. I looked and saw that he hasn't even read the textbook so I decided to just not talk about.

"what's your next period?"

I ask, trying to continue the conversation.

"I have PE, it's pretty boring though. Are you new?"

"Yeah, i'm from California."

I answered, smiling.

Suddenly the bell rings and class ended.

Timeskip to after school

I was walking back home when I saw a black van. I had a bad feeling so I walked faster to my house.

I finally arrived and I quickly unlocked the door and took off my shoes.


I yell out as I went to the kitchen. My mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner. She was cooking a filipino dish called 'sinigang'.

(i love sinigang omg😍😍)



She says as she started adding seasoning to the dish.

"can I go to this baseball game? I made a friend and he's playing."


"Bruce. Bruce Yamada"


"Mom we do this everytime I make a friend. He's the same age as me and he's a good kid. Stop worrying, I only befriend good kids now"

I proudly and confidently said. She looked at me with uncertainty but nodded anyway.

I cheered and thanked her. I then washed the dishes since I had some time and got ready.

I put on some concealer and did my brows. I put a little bit of eyeliner and mascara on. I then decided to listen to some music while changing.

(More than a Woman by Bees Gees is the song she's listening to and yes I did look on spotify and looked at the best hits from 1978)

(More than a Woman by Bees Gees is the song she's listening to and yes I did look on spotify and looked at the best hits from 1978)

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(im so sorry if its basic but im trying to find stuff that looks like it would exist in 1978)

I went downstairs and kissed my mom bye.


I yell out as I went to grab my bike.

I then started biking to the park where the game was. I smiled at the random people walking down the street.

I finally arrived, a few minutes before the game started. I rushed to the front seat and sat down.

Many girls sat next to me. The girl next to me was very focused even though the game hasn't started.

"Wow you're really pretty!"

I say smiling at her.

My number one goal was to never make anyone hate me, and the easiest way to do that is compliments.

"Thank you!! Who are you cheering for?"

"Oh a friend of mine, his name's Bruce."


"no because his personality adds up to his looks so he's already like an 11/10"

I say as the girls around me started nodding with me. They all started talking about him and I was proud of myself. I'm making friends!

"Oh wait what's your name?"

"I'm y/n"

I answered as they all started introducing themselves. I then turned my focus to the game since it was starting. I saw Bruce go up.


I yell out like a supportive mother. I always did this for my friends back at California. They always got embarrassed, I didn't really give a fuck since that was the reason I did that.

Bruce looked over at me and smiled. He got ready but then he missed.


People started to look at me because of how loud I was. I gave them all a smile and a thumbs up.

"It's something I need to do for every friend of mine that plays sports"

I tell the girls near me as I snickered.

He missed again and now it was his last one.

I stopped cheering and started focusing. He finally hit it and made a home run.


I started clapping and yelling loudly. I saw his ears turn red and I started snickering.

This is so fun.

after the game

The game finally ended and I ran to meet with Bruce. He was talking to a curly haired boy.


I say as I ran up to him.

"oh my god. y/n you sounded like my mom when she first came to one of my games. You brought back war flashbacks."

"it's a thing I'm required to do"

"That's what my parents said and now they can't come to my games."

He said as the curly haired boy snickered. I almost forgot he was there.

"Oh wait sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's y/n. You're really good at throwing."

I held out my hand.

"I'm Finney. Finney Blake and thanks."

He says as he shakes my hand.

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