6- smile

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A/N: If you see any misspelled words, misused punctuation, or a sentence that doesn't make sense, let me know in the comments.

Melira Pov:

"Why would you tell him that?"

"I didn't know what was going through my head, to be honest," Elmay hooks an arm on my shoulder.

"I honestly forgot you slept with, what's his name again?"

"Kevin," I shrugged, not wanting to talk about my first time, in public.

Kevin was my first boyfriend, and I got with him because I tried to get rid of my feelings for Colin. I guess that makes me a bad person, but we were both with each other for the wrong reasons.

He wanted to have sex and get over his ex, and I just wanted to stop thinking about Colin. I got to know Kevin really well to the point where I trusted him, just as much as he trusted me. Our trust led us to the sex part. We had no feelings for each other so I can't say I enjoyed it, but it was both of our first times.

We slept together twice. After that, we ended things.

"Kevin was one of Colin's football teammates right?" she asked, removing her arm from around me before taking a seat on the bench near the front of the cafeteria.

"Yeah," I took a seat across from her.

"How did I not remember that you slept with him? I feel like a bad best friend now."

"It's fine. It's not something I want to remember either," I pull out my phone from my pocket, looking through my messages.

"Are you staying back after school today?" a text from Colin said.

A small smile made its way onto my face before replying.

"Like always? Yes." I replied.

"Cool, I want to show you something after my football practice. I'll find you."  It read.

Not creepy at all.

"OU WHO'S GOT YOU SMILING LIKE THAT?" Elmay shouted, catching me off-guard which caused me to drop my phone on the table. Sliding toward her.

She took a glance at the phone before sliding it back toward me, and I swear I could see her trying to suppress a smile which made me nervous.

"You didn't see anything right?" I asked, quickly grabbing my phone. May shook her head before asking me the most random question ever.

"Can we play a quick game of Kiss, Marry, Kill?" she asks. "Very random, May... but okay?"

"Leon, Ryan, Colin," a grin appeared on her face before her gaze averted behind me.

"Hurry," Elmay giggled. "Why would you mention your brother? That's gross," I lied. "Mhm, just answer."

"Okay I would kiss Ryan-"

"You would kiss Ryan?" Someone behind me asked, cutting me off and once I snapped my head toward the direction the voice came from, Colin was standing there with a disturbed look on his face. "No, I wouldn't actually-"

"It was a yes or no question. You don't got to explain." He rudely cut me off again, while sounding annoyed. Is he jealous?

"May, watch out for her. Ryan may seem all nice and shit, but that dick is always up to something," Colin shrugged. "I've never even talked to Ryan. Why would May need to watch out for me?" I asked, confused.

"You'll find out, Mel."

"It was a kiss, marry, kill, Colin. I wouldn't kiss Ryan, but I would choose him over kissing Leon." I tried to explain.

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