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We continue walking till we get to Finnys house.
He told us to be quiet cause his dad is probably sleeping but when he opened the door and we went inside it was clean and his dad was not there.

He looks a little confused but brushes it off and brings us to his room.
"So u guys both need help with math right?" Finny asks us just to make sure
"Yup" me and robin say in unison
"K" finny says in response

Third person pov

Finny, robin, and y/n sat in a sorta circle on the floor and they laughed and made jokes while finny was helping them. They kinda understood so they tried to do it on their own but then got stuck again well robin did. Y/n now understood and she and finny now helped him so he could understand. After a little while passed by he finally understood.

Y/n pov

"Ohhhh now i get it" robin said
"Finally" me and finny said at the same time
"Whatever let's watch a movie" robin said in a sorta sassy tone as a joke before laughing a little
"What movie are we gonna watch?" Finny asked
"Oooh maybe *insert movie name*" I suggest
"Yesss i love *insert movie name* and I haven't watched it in a while" robin exclaimed
"What's *insert movie name* I've never seen it" finny asks a little confused
"What you've never seen *insert movie name* before?" I say
"It's only one of my top 10 favorite films" robin says emphasizing his whole sentence

"K let's watch it" finny says

(Pretend that robin has the tape or something and pretend finny has a tv in his room)

"Robin go put the tape in please" I say
"Yes ma'am" he says before laughing
"Cmon y/n" finny says before grabbing my hand and leading me to his bed

He lays down and I lay down next to him and his arm is wrapped around my waist and his head is snuggled near my neck

"Don't cuddle without me" robin says acting as if he's offended with his mouth wide open
he comes to lay down with us and his head is at my chest level and his arm is around my lower waist
I play with their hair while watching the movie it is so satisfying

Near the end of the movie finny falls asleep but I don't wanna wake him up so I lay my head on top of his

The movie ends and I want to get up but i don't want to wake up finny cause he looks so peaceful when he's sleeping
He actually looks pretty cute to not gonna lie

I whisper "robin are u awake"
"Yup Finn's knocked out isn't he" he whispers back
"Ya he is" I answer his question
I hear him whisper something else under his breath but I couldn't make out what it was

Robins pov

She whispers "robin are u awake"
"Yup Finn's knocked out isn't he" I whisper to her
"Ya he is" she says answering my question
"I would be too if I was that close to my crush" I whisper under my breath just realizing what I had said hoping she didn't hear
I don't think she did cause all she said in response was
"I wanna get up but I can't"
"Just wake him up" I say simply
"no he's too c- peaceful I meant peaceful" she says
"Fine I'll do it then" I say wanting to solve his problem

"Finn wake up" I say lightly shaking him
He didn't even flinch I continued to try and wake him up but he wouldn't
"He's not waking up" I say
"What do u mean let me try then I guess" she says

"Finny, finny wake up" she whispers near his ear
"Finny" she says softly
She moved a little trying to get up but he pulled her back near him and tightened his grasp on her waist

Y/n pov

I turn around slowly to face him again
I move some hair out of his face and he slowly opens his eyes
"Finally ur awake u take forever to wake up" robins says

Once finny was fully awake we were kinda hungry so we went to the kitchen to make something to eat
"What should we make" finny asks
"Idk what do u want robin" I ask not knowing what I wanted either
"What about pancakes" he suggested
"Yessss" I said

We started to make the pancakes I took some of the pancake mix and wiped it on Finnys nose he said "heyy I'm gonna get u back" looking at me while wiping off his nose

"I'm sure u will" I said
"We should add chocolate chips" robin suggested
"Oh my goodness ur so smart" I said while going to grab the chocolate chips

We finished making the pancakes and went back ti Finnys room to eat them

We were watching whatever came on tv and eating our pancakes when we saw what time it was, 12

"Guys it's getting late what else should we do cause we still have school tmrw" I said
"Damn I forgot we had school tmrw" robin said
"Me too" finny said before taking another bite of his pancake

"Ooh maybe we should play truth or dare or maybe never have I ever" I suggest
"Ya sure" they say in unison

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