The Day After

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I was hoping that things between me and finny would be the same even tho we kissed idk why robin dared finny to do that but I honestly didn't mind as long as it doesn't mess up our friendship


I definitely wanted to be more than friends but I don't think he feels the same way so I would rather keep things how they are than ruin them with something so stupid

I heard finnys alarm but I couldn't reach it cause I was in the middle of the bed. Finny and robin were facing me finny had his arm around my waist and his head was near my neck
I was facing away from him and towards robin
Robin had his head on the other side of my neck

Finny took his arm off of me to turn off his alarm
"Ughhh" finny said while rubbing his eyes
Robin was still knocked out
"Robin wake up" I said gently
"Hmmm" he said with his eyes still close shut he rolled over to his other side

"We have to get ready or else we'll be late" finny said but his voice sounded amazing it was a little raspy cause he just woke up

"I can be late just this once" robin said also in a raspy voice
"Nope" I said while taking the covers off of him
"Heyyy" he said grumpyish

I got up and so did finny
"Let's just leave him there and see what happens" he says
"Nah I'll just wake him up later" I say stretching my arms up

We get ready and after we are finished e have about five minutes left I go to wake up robin

"Robin ur gonna be late" I say
"Oh shoot what time is it" he says Finally opening his eyes and staring up
"U have 5 minutes" I say

"I'll just brush my hair and teeth and go to school In this" he says while speed walking to the bathroom

"Ok" I say in response

(He is wearing red plaid pajama pants and a white tank top)

"Wait finny we should wear pants like robin so we can all match" I say raising my voice a little so he can hear from across the house
"Sure what's he wearing" he shouts back
"Plaid pj pants and a white shirt" I say

"I don't have any though can I borrow some of urs" I ask
"Sure they might be a little big tho" he says handing me blue and green plaid pj pants
"It's ok I like them like that" I say smiling at him he returns the smile

I go to the bathroom to change into the pj pants finny have me and a white crop top

I go to the bathroom to change into the pj pants finny have me and a white crop top

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(It looks something like this)

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(It looks something like this)

U walk out of the bathroom to see Robin on the couch still half asleep with a messy bun and finny wearing the same pants as u and a white tshirt

We start walking and meet with Gwen half way to school we are all talking and laughing on the way to school telling Gwen stories from last night leaving out that me and finny kissed until Robin said
"Oh and finn and y/n k-" was all he could manage to say before slapped his hand over his mouth
"Finny u and y/n what let him finish" Gwen said

"no it's not important" finny said
"If It's not important why won't u let him finish talking Huh finny" Gwen said with some attitude

Their arguing continued till we got to school and she had to go to the lower grade classes

We said bye to Robin after we got our books from our lockers and me and finny went to science while Robin went to his first class it was all normal till class ended and Donna walked up to me asking
"Can I talk to u"
"Sure" I say kinda confused
"Alone" she said smiling at finny
"Uhm ok see ya later than finny" I said giving him a hug

"So what did u wanna talk about" I ask her
"Uhm i just wanted to know if u and finny are together" she said
"no we're not why" I asked
"no reason just back off k" she said with a sarcastic smile
"Bitch what" I said confused
"U heard me back off" she said more firm this time with no smile
"How bout no" I say as I walk away rolling my eyes at her

How is she gonna ask me to not be around my best friend like what kinda request is that

Time skip

I walk into lunch a bit late seeing finny and robin already at our usual table
I walk over to them
"U guys would not believe what happened after science" I exclaimed wanting to tell them what Donna had said to me

I sat down on the opposite side of the table as them and told them about the whole interaction
They were almost speechless

"Ya that's what I'm saying like who does she think she is talking to me like that" I say with my eyebrows scrunched

Time skip

It's after school and I just walked out of my class when I feel someone approaching me I didn't know who it was till I turned around

It was Donna
"Didn't I tell u to stay away from finny?" She says in a rude tone
"U can't just tell me to not be around my best friend it doesn't work like that" I say back to her trying my best not to lose my shit

"Actually i ca-" before she could finish her sentence I turned around and flipped her off while walking away
Not even bothering to turn around to see how she reacted

I find finny and Gwen waiting for me outside I walk over to them and we start to walk in silence it wasn't awkward it was comfortable silence
We continue to walk till we get to my house

"Bye guys see u tmrw" I say as I approach the porch
"K bye see u tmrw" Gwen says waving her hand
"Bye y/n see ya" finny says before hugging me and walking away towards their house

I walk inside to see that my dad is back
"Hey princess how was school?" He asks trying to be normal like I wasn't just home alone for almost 2 weeks straight
"It was great papa" I say with this face 😐 before going upstairs

I plop down onto my bed and groan

The rest of the day remained normal I listened to music while doing my homework and I took a nap before drawing in my sketchbook

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